Silence (savage + descriptive about poet)

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Our little girl was a very quiet girl. She kinda hated unnecessary sounds. She is phonophobic. She is easily scared due to loud sounds and hates unnecessary sounds. She is always told that she is a boring person as she doesn't speaks much. This day when she was talking with her talkative friend in a call she said to the little girl, "Why don't you say anything? Come on use your voice. You would have been better mute. You never talk only". Our little girl laughed at this and the two continued chatting. Later that day only she got call from her elder cousin brother whom she doesn't likes much as he is rude with others and doesn't know how to respect someone and gets angry quickly. He told her in their chat, "Aish I'm tired with you being all quiet. Your voice must be regretting to stay with you. Can you stop being cold? I'm your brother I won't eat you so stop overreacting and bark some words. I was annoyed by my friends so I called you but you are annoying me even more. Shit why am I even talking with you. Bye" and then he cut the call. He told the same thing that her friend told but he kinda hurted her as he told it rudely and angrily. Little girl thought that it was his teenage hormones only. Later in evening when she was conversing with her mom, her mom told her, "You need to improve in your speaking skills. You are talking less day by day. It is not a good thing." Little girl is just like that. She doesn't likes to talk much and is more of a listener. She felt like it is her fault only that she is not talkative. But what to do. It is her core nature and she can't change it. Later during midnight when she was thinking about the events of the day then she realized that it isn't her fault that she is quite girl. And as a poetic soul she is, she didn't wasted a second to grab her poem notebook and pen and ran back to her bed, used torch from her phone so she can write her thoughts and spilled her feelings. By now poetry was like diary writing for her. It was other thing after music she was addicted to. She wrote poems just like a common person writes diary. She maintains her poem notebook like people maintain their diary. Here is the poem she expressed her feelings of silence through.


Those people are nowadays rare,
Who love peace and silence,
Their mind is calm, heart is flare,
They want a life of non-violence.

They say I'm boring,
But I symbolize dove,
They don't know I'm adoring,
I give a kind of calm and peaceful love.

I'm often told,
I'm very cold,
I'm used to it as it is very old,
Do they know I can speak up bold?

I have the right eyes,
So I love me, myself and I,
If I don't say this I'm a lier,
Even though I'm quite,
I can spit fire.

Meaning/facts section:
"They want a life of non-violence"
From stanza 1, line 4.
Hidden meaning : Over here the meaning of non-violence isn't really non-violence. Violence here means like stupid words. It is a metaphor used for stupid words. It is a very deep metaphor only very deep thinkers can know. I included it here so all can understand it.

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