Cake (food related)

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Our little girl likes to bake cakes. She is good in that too. Once she was waiting for her cake to bake in the oven while gazing it through the glass and enjoying that sweet smell of a baking cake. As a poetic soul she is, of course she thought of everything in a rhyming manner. So yeah she again wrote a poem as her habit is to write down her rhyming thoughts in paper. Here is that poem which she wrote.


The soft fluffy cake,
It's batter is even tasty,
It's boring to wait for it to bake,
We take it in the birthday of our bestie.

I'm born foodie,
Cake is one of my best goodie,
If something is not tasty,
I may get moody.

When we eat cake,
Near a beautiful lake,
The smile that time isn't fake,
This makes us happy from sad,
Of course it would make.

In my birthday,
I see a dream,
A butterscotch cake,
Coated with vanilla cream.

Life: A journey towards self love or....... self hatredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora