Flithy riches

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As little girl is from a well known rich type of family she really knows how much painful riches can be. People think that money is the best thing in the world but it is a sweet curse. Some suffer from having it and some suffer from greed of money. The difference between them is that greedy people don't really know the reality while those who have it have seen the dark side. Money is sometimes which just destroys a person if one doesn't knows how to handle it.

Flithy riches

The thing which becomes an addiction,
It is the happiness illusion,
It makes your life a confusion,
It is fakeness of bright future.

They are the flithy riches,
They will stick to you like leeches,
Haunt your dreams like witches,
If you love it your mind needs several stitches.

The starting is really bright,
As you go further you will be out of sight,
It will trap you in its darkest night,
You will end up loosing all your might.

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