My only best friend (self love)

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The little girl had drastic change within her. Remember she was all depressed as shown in the poem "Pain" and "Sleepless nights"? Now she started to love herself because now she realized that no one will love her if she doesn't loves herself.

My only best friend

Not about fake friends,
Who use you for instagram trend,
In the time of need they won't bend,
Won't read even when your messages are sent.

Only one who knows deepest secrets you are having,
Only one who is very loving,
Only one who can feel your heart,
The one who knows whether your life is sweet or tart,
To handle you is enough smart.

From the time you born,
Till the time you die,
Whether your heart is torn,
Or in sky you are flying high,
Let's now reveal the secret guy,
My only bestie,
Me, myself and I.

Life: A journey towards self love or....... self hatredWhere stories live. Discover now