My deer doe eye (supportive)

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(Author's note : Don't worry this isn't cringe. Eyes doesn't means that I'm cringely complimenting my eyes here lol. The picture above of eyes of anime are soft and intended to show supportive nature. )

Our little girl always tried to help others out. She is the one you can rely on. If you have any trauma or depression then just go to her. She will make you feel much better. The poem she wrote this day was from her supportive attitude only. This poem also tells a bit about her life.

My deer doe eye

My deer doe eye,
Rarely ever cry,
If you ask me why,
Come on try me, come on try,
I'm not one of those who are shy.

I had sweet Hi,
Also bitter Bye,
They say I'm precious to this world,
Of course I'm priceless to be sold,
I know I have personality cold,
But at last you become the batter and I become your mold.

I can glue your heart cracks,
Even though sometimes my eyes are dark as black,
If I show you those, they are filled in racks,
If you want you can be in that stack.

Things that may not be understandable :

"But at last you become the batter and I become your mold "

Meaning : The poet wants to say that even though she is cold in personality still her love will melt you.

"Even though sometimes my eyes are dark as black "

Meaning : this means that even when the she feels low she will still support you

"If I show you those, they are filled in racks "

Meaning : It means if the poet shows you the number of people she have helped then it will look like she have filled many racks.

"If you want you can be in that stack"

Meaning : It means that if the reader wants then he/she can also take help without hesitating.

Basic meaning : The poet is ready to help out people (the correct one not any cheater) no matter what difficulties she face in that. She will support you till the end. Her love can glue other's cracked hearts. Never hesitate to ask for help from her because she also went through tough situations so she can understand you.

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