Chapter 39: Seeds of Sin

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Wrath: ".....That was different. Have you gotten weaker?"

(Y/N): "Trust me when I say, you are mistaken. Quite the opposite actually."

|Haunting Voice|: "..........."

Pride: "For everyone's information, they are telling the truth."

Wrath: "So you take more damage when you are stronger? What kind of backwards head do you have?"

           I shake my head.

(Y/N): "So why did you bring me here?"

Pride: "Let's call it bonding. The more we hang out the more I want to crush your head in, but you are sin, and for now, we need to see what that means. And if we are going to be spending eternity on this earth together. Then we need to get used to that. I mean, you are quite durable, and your feats do sound, exaggerated. I mean, how many of us has taken a bullet to the head?"

          Wrath and Pride raised their arms and everyone else straightened up.

(Y/N): "That's enough about me, if this is bonding, then what about everyone else?"

Pride: "You know, that's a good question, you know, I think we should get the hard part out of the way. Lust, come on and step up, let the two of you start bonding first. You have been acting detached from everyone ever since Gluttony changed hosts, so how about you two talk things out?"

Lust: "If I am not allowed to kill them, then I am not interested."

(Y/N): "No thanks. I think crazy over there isn't gonna be cuddling up to me anytime this millennia."

Wrath: "Pride, I forgot to ask, did Gluttony tell you anything more about the whole Diamond thing?"

Pride: "Well, they apparently don't have a specialty?"

Envy: "Wait, they said that?"

Pride: "How is that surprising Envy, didn't you already know? Isn't that why your lips have been so sealed?"

Envy: "No, they definitely do have a specialty."

          Pride looked at him, than back at me.

Pride: "How could you both be telling the truth?"

Envy: "Can they bypass your detector?"

Pride: "No, we already cleared that up. Okay fine. Tell me again, what is your Diamond specialty?"

(Y/N): "My specialty is nothing. As I said before, I am nothing."

Pride: "But according to Envy that's not true! What-"

Envy: "No, Pride, you're misunderstanding. The tricky bastard is using word play. They just admitted their specialty to you."

Pride: "What?"

Envy: "They are nothing. Their aura is endless. It has something to do with a void. So, if you look at it right, then they are in fact nothing."

          Pride looked at me.

Pride: "So you were just fucking with me?"

(Y/N): "Yes. I mean, to be fair without context it makes sense you didn't get it. Especially since you didn't have any reason to look more into my words."

          I shrug as Pride clenches their fist.

Lust: "Now who's getting hostile."

Pride: "Not now Lust!"

          They snapped and turned to me. Glaring intently, as though they were trying to see if I had any more secrets I had blatantly shown them.

Pride: "Envy, what are their abilities?"

Envy: "That's too much to list right there."

(Y/N): "I think you actually have no clue what your talking about. I mean all this time, and you don't lay down everything I have? Either you are the worst teammate possible, or you are still trying to wrap your head around me."

Envy: "Yeah ok you got me."

Pride: "But you took their abilities?"

Envy: "And I couldn't use them."

          Pride snarled until they started to cackle. They looked at me, their left eye turning green.

Envy: "Oh no."

          Everyone started to back up. The room got darker as my aura started to come out of Pride.

Pride: "This feels interesting. Let's see what else you got."

          I watched as they made a fireball, a wall of ice, shot lightning from their fingertips, and then, they disappeared.

|Haunting Voice|: "Oh no. Hello there."

          My eyes widened as I went into my void. Pride was standing there looking around.

Pride: "What is this? Where am I? Who was that?"

(Y/N): "You are going to leave now. Before you get trapped."

          Pride turned to me and laughed.

Pride: "Like you could trap me. I mean, so this is how you disappear?"

(Y/N): "I never said I would trap you. Fun fact, I was once trapped here for decades. I think, I mean no passage of time, and things get real crazy. I wonder what would happen if you suddenly stopped using Envy's power in here. I mean, I know for me it was hard, but my abilities are part of me, I will always be able to escape, given enough time. But you, I mean, I don't know how your power works."

Haunting Voice: "Brother? Is that you?"

          Pride looked up, eyes widening, looking around. I looked around too, not sure of exactly where Gluttony's core was.

Pride: "Brother? Where are you? How are you here?"

Haunting Voice: "I inhabit the soul, we both know that more than anyone."

(Y/N): "Well, you can either go looking for your brother, and probably get trapped here. Or, you can come back to reality with me. Your choice."

          I reappear in the palace again.

Wrath: "Where's Pride? What did you do with them?"

(Y/N): "I have no clue if they are anywhere. Gotta be honest."

          My eyes widened as I heard the sound of a metallic click.

|Haunting Voice(s?)|: "Hahahahhahahahahahahaha!"

          Pride reappeared in the room with a wide smile.

Pride: "Something tells me that if you want to stay you, you will be relying on us from now on."

          Envy and Wrath were staring at me with looks of confusion and concern.

Envy: "Pride what did you do?"

Pride: "I sowed my seed. Oh the soul is quit an interesting thing. But none more like yours, let me tell you. And, like all others, oh so impressionable. So easy to corrupt."


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