21 - Sorry!

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I got up and went towards the sound which was been heard from the balcony. I slid the glass door and found Jungkook sitting on the floor hugging his knees and crying. My eyes widen in shock and turned around to find the empty bed. I turned back and quickly rushed towards him, kneeling infront of him. I placed my hand on his shoulder for which he flinched and looked upto me. My heart clenched for the view of him; his red swollen eyes, red puffy nose and tears which was flowing down his cheeks. "Jungkook? Baby? What happened kookie? Huh?? Tell me na! Why are you crying?", I managed not to stutter and ask him in a very soft voice. I cupped his cheeks as he looked down. "I'm sorry Y/n-ah!", All the anxious thoughts in my mind seeing him apologizing me.

"Kookiee!! Look at me!", I made him look at him but cupping his cheeks. "What happened huh? Tell me! But to please don't cry like this hmm? Tell me what happened?", He looked at me with his doe eyes. I hugged him and made his face snuggle into my chest, trying to calm him down. "Y/n! Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you, but when you were talking to a guy, I felt jealous and anxious! Even in my past, Ch-Chaeyoung cheated on me so I got anxious and hurted you!", He told in his cracking voice making me chuckle. I laughed lightly. "Yahh! Jungkookie! Were you crying for this and in this midnight? God! Get up kookie!!", I made him stand up and stood closer to him, cupping his cheeks.

"Jungkook baby! How can you think that I'll cheat on you huh?! I won't do that even in my next birth ok? Now stop crying!", Finally after 12 minutes, he stopped crying and looked at me smiling. "Kook!! Don't worry you didn't hurt me and moreover, I'll never mind losing my Virginity for you!!", I told looking down shyly as he chuckled. "I love you so much Y/n baby!!", He kissed my lips for which I responded back. He pulled away as I took him towards the bed making him lay down. I laid beside him and hugged his waist, made him snuggle into me. "I love you too kookiee!!", I whispered before sleeping.

-Jungkook POV-
-6:13 am-

I felt ticklish on my cheeks for which I opened my eyes only to find Y/n giving a long kiss on my cheeks. She backed away and directly went to bathroom as if nothing happened. I chuckled and got up too waiting for Y/n to come back, so that I can fresh up. After few minutes she cam back as I stood up going towards her. "Kook! You go and freshen up I'm gonna give you your clothes!!", I furrowed as I knew that I don't have any clothes in her house. I just shrugged it off and went.

After coming back, I saw Y/n standing with a dark navy blue coat, a white silk shirt and a black formal pant. "Wow Y/n! What is this?", I asked surprised. "Uhmm... I have bought this for you few days ago! You can wear it now I guess!", She smiled and handed me the suit as I smiling took it from her.

I got changed and stood infront of her wearing my wrist watch, as she was just staring at me like she saw a wonder with her mouth opened. "Shut your mouth or else a fly is gonna enter in there!", She glared. "Whoa!! Jeon Jungkook!! You really look so perfect and handsome in this suit", she complimented, almost drooling over him which gave me alots of butterflies in my tummy and my heart beating like crazy. "Yah! Ok Y/n stop it now!", She chuckled. "Aww! the great CEO of the most popular company, JEON JUNGKOOK, Is blushing?", I glared at her which she didn't care about.

-Time Skip-

Now I was in my cabin with Y/n working in the table next to mine. I heard a knock and let the person standing behind the door in. "Hello! Mr. Jeon! A guy bowed at me as I nodded. But this guy is so familiar to me but I can't remember. "Actually I'm the Chief manager of Han Enterprises, when you had arranged the party we were unable to discuss about the project as you left too early on that day and i am sent here to discuss about it!", Sh!t! How can I forget this guy right here? He was the reason to make me fall In love again. "I'm Suho!", I noticed Y/n looking at him with her eyes opened wide. 'i have to handle this bitch rn'. I thought looking at SuHo.

"Excuse me Mr. Jeon!", Y/n bowed at me excusing herself and left from my cabin, looked like she was scared to stay here infront of him. The eyes of this guy right here were stuck onto her but now I guess it's gonna miss My Y/n, who he can never have. "Continue!", I told coldly more like ordering and leaned on the chair resting my back. "Uh.. oh! Yes Sir!", He laughed awkwardly and continued blabbering.


I sat on the bench in the garden behind the office building. I was scared to sit infront of him after what he had done to me in past. Jungkook might be mad at me for leaving all the work behind in middle but I'm gonna explain him, and i know he will understand.

Author POV

You were just thinking about the guy who you thought he might hurt you again and was anxious about Jungkook too. You just sat there not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, there in Jungkook's cabin, the plan which was explained by Suho impressed Jungkook, and he thought that this deal can give profit to his company after what the Choi has done, he finally got a way to recover it. Finally, Jungkook decided to run his company with the partnership of Han industries for a period of time which can get him on profit.

Just after his conversation, Suho came to the exit and noticed you. Before he could walk towards you with his evil mind, Jungkook interrupted him by holding his shoulders a bit harshly and talking to him in order to distract him. But you here just sat without noticing anything behind you, fully drowned in your thoughts. "Hey! The exit is this way! You can go!", Jungkook sounded rude but calm. Suho clenched his jaw in anger and just left from there.

You didn't notice anyone behind you until a pair of hands wrapped around your waist. Assuming something wrong, you flinched and stood up, yanking the hands. "What happened baby?", he asked confused by your behaviour. "O-oh! Uhm.. Mr. Jeon? Y-You here?", he sighed. "What wrong sweetheart? Are you feeling scared?", he told coming closer to you.  You lightly nodded controlling your tears, with your head hung low. He just came closer to you and pulled you into his arms. His hand wrapped around your waist while the other was caressing your head. You snuggled into him and cried silently.

To be continued...

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