12 - Comfort ♡

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Jungkook POV

I was walking towards where Y/n had gone only to keep her safe from that stranger who scared Y/n. Suddenly, I heard a loud shout of my name and without wasting any time, I ran towards the loud voice. It was been heard from the bathroom so I stood there, and again after minutes, I heard muffled sound. Now I didn't waste any time and barged into the bathroom and saw Y/n struggling while the guy from before was kissing her on her neck. My blood temperature raided to the peak as I ran to him and gave a hard punch on his face that he landed on the ground, I was about to hit him again after kneeling down but Hoseok Hyung stopped me.

I felt that he is right, this can be controversial so I'll just let him to surrender to the police. Then I looked at Y/n, crying messily with her fists around her chest. I stood up and stood infront of her for which she cried more and looked down, in fear I guess. My eyes soften seeing her state as I sigh. I lightly held her shoulders and pulled in to hug her. I wrapped my one hand around her waist and other was on her head caressing her hairs gently. She flinched at first but I caressed her back which calmed her down. She stopped crying once when I had held her shoulders but she continously sobbed. I rested my chin on her shoulder while caressing her hairs gently.

"T-t-thanks ju-ngkook.. i-if you woul-dn't have c-come then, h-he would've-", I didn't let her complete. "Shh! It's okay!! Now I'm here right? Stop crying hmm? He isn't here anymore... he won't hurt you now, hmm?", she sobbed and nodded. She wrapped her hands around my waist tightly hugging me. She snuggled deeper in my chest and calmed down. I continously patted her head to calm her down. "Thanks for saving me", she said and freed her hands around my waist, she didn't backed away either.

She just wrapped her hands around my Neck instead. She snuggled in my neck hugging me tightly. I pulled her by her waist, "Thank you so much!", She again started crying. "Shh!!! Y/n, look, I'm here! Don't cry hmm? He is gone now!! Don't cry, just take deep breaths! Hmm?", I mumbled in the sweetest voice possible. She nodded and inhaled in my neck. I gently yet softly pecked on her head which she noticed and backed away.


I felt him kissing my head but I didn't care about it and backed away, "Sir I think I should leave!", He shook his head. "No!! Let me drop you off!!", He held my wrist gently. "But sir, what about the people outside?", I asked in low voice as he chuckled. "Just don't care about them, they're gonna talk nonsense, but your safety matters first!!", I smiled lightly for his caring actions which never failed in giving me butterflies. Then we both went towards his car bit i was in the urge of crying listening the people talking but I tried not hearing them. He made me sit in his car and he himself settled in the driver seat.

He started driving but it was silent. I was feeling sad, happy, excited, embarrassed at the same time. I was so comforted by his angelic voice and the warmth his embarce passed me. I'm gonna admit it, I really got butterflies when he was with me in the situation, my heart fluttered at his actions but I hate this feeling, I don't want to feel such things when I'm with him because I don't love him.? It's really wrong to feel such things about my boss I really want to stop myself from thinking further which doesn't makes any sense.

Author POV

You didn't know but you had already came out of your thoughts when you were arrived to your house. You looked at him and found him already looking at you. He was looking at you in confusion as you were so into your thoughts. He smiled when you caught him staring at you. "Thank you sir!!", You told before gettingbour of the car. But noticed him getting off too. "No need to thank Y/n, I told you, your safety is more important ", you smiled at him. "Sir, if you don't mind!! Can you please have your dinner in my house tonight?", he smiled and nodded. "Sure!!".

"Thank you sir!", You smiled and headed towards your house after signalling him to follow you. He came behind smiling with his hands in his pocket. "Sit down sir, I'll make something for you real quick!", You said and went towards the kitchen and started looking for the ingredients. You had nothing better than noodles. But you didn't wanted to disappoint him so you went towards the living room only to see him being fully focused into his phone. "Sir, please wait for me, I'll be back in a minute ", he looked upto you. "You going to bring something?", he asked as you nodded cutely, you pouted looking at him in pleading eyes. He chuckled, "Okay, but be quick! It's already 9pm!", You nodded.

You wore your shoes and rushed outside. You walked to grocery shop as soon as possible.

Jungkook POV

I sighed keeping my phone aside as Y/n just went out to bring something for me. The thought of the guy from before never left my mind. Who was he? Why was he hurting Y/n? I think i should know about it, Y/n is staying is staying alone anyway and he might hurt her again. I came back from my thoughts and looked around the house which was decorated cutely but beautiful. The whole house sent light yet calmly aura. Everything was shaded in the tint of gold and dark pink.

I stood up and went towards upstairs which had a single room, it's hers I guess. I twisted the knob and took a glance at the room and was mesmerized by the view infront of me. The whole room was messy, her clothes were scattered around the bed. There was a bed which seemed fluffy with a white blanket. There were alot of photo frames and photocards all over the walls. I went closer to them and found the pictures of txt members framed. The cute pictures of her were hung in the photocards. I chuckled for the love she has for txt. Most of her photocards were cute. I unintentionally smiled looking at them, finally a chuckle left my mouth looking at the cute pics of her. I turned around and went froze for the view infront of me.

To be continued...

My 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 Boss   《J.JK FF》 ✓Where stories live. Discover now