"Tony?" You smiled.

"Y/N.. what do you see in your dreams?" Tony asked.

"Dreams? Like what, Tony?" You raised an eyebrow.

"The dreams.. you always used to say you saw hallucinations. Of what, if I ask? Maybe, I'll be able to find the root cause of everything from that itself."

"What will it have to do with the problem..?"

Tony sighed and kept his both hands over your shoulders, in a comforting way. "Because I know you can save us from this problem. That's why. And I well know, it has something to do with you too."

".. Tony.. I don't know but, these powers sure tell me about something, but I am not able to figure out what they truly can mean about to me."

"This magic healed you, even after my dangerous attack, Y/N. There must be something which makes it so special."

"This is accidental—"

"Not accidental. Never. The moment I saw you having those powers for the first time, I was.. astonished. Thinking how it even is possible. I couldn't even believe this is all because of my magic, when others couldn't have even tried to get in the stronger version of the Hex that I created. But you? You passed through it like nothing happened. There is.. and definately, something in you, Y/N. Never forget that. Even Strange has said you play an important part in this story. Now, say what you have now?"

You were quiet, and thought about everything about the moments you had when Tony was in the Hex, and you being determined, wanted to enter into it even knowing it was dangerous. But, instead it granted you an ability, an ability which you must try to find out what it is, and what you truly are. You shook your head, and closed your eyes in sadness.

"I saw.. someone.. ripping apart dimensions. And.. by that, it felt like it was drawing all the energy within itself, like it was growing stronger and stronger. I felt so unbalanced, and weaker, because something was wrong, and always had been. Your magic is getting corrupted by the evil within you Tony, and I fear.. it's gonna kill your soul and—" You started to sob, and Tony worriedly hugged you tight, while you cried your tears on his shirt. He tried to comfort you from the stress you've been going through. He pulls you away and cups your face to look at him.

"It's okay, Y/N.. it's okay.. I won't go anywhere, even if it tries to kill me, I would never give up, because I know there is someone with me who's gonna support me, no matter what. And I well know who it is, and she will never give up on someone she loves back too. Cause she is strong. Stronger than she think she could be." Tony looks at you with gentle eyes.

".. you really think I am..?" You asked, as the tears flow.

Tony nodded. "You are. Just think about it, why do you think you were able to stop El Hombre from taking everyone alive, unlike Strange and the rest? That is nothing less powerful at all, Y/N. You sure have something within you, and I believe it in my heart, that it's right."

You gently smiled, as the fresh tears flow through your cheeks, and sniffed. But, though, your mind still wandered about something.. if there was an upcoming danger within the sights? Is it really happening? If it is.. what it's going to be?

Not minding that, you hug Tony, being warm in his gentle presence. He illuminates something with his magic, in the form of fireworks to lighten up the mood. You chuckled, and he plays with you by lifting you up in the air, along with himself.

"Woah, Tony.. w-what are you doing? You know I'm not experienced in flying—"

"Then I'll teach you." He grabs your hands, and then dances romantically in the air, while the music automatically plays. Staring at each other's eyes lovingly, while flying, and thoroughly enjoying the evening. Suddenly, Tony's magic begin to alter from blue to red that made him choke and quickly drop each on the floor. He was alright, but going a little weaker than before. You pressed your palm on his head, that absolutely calmed him down from the alteration.

He gently looks at you, in worry. "You're never going to leave me, aren't you, Y/N?"

You smiled back. "Never."

For a moment of silence, claps were heard from the door, seeing Clint, Nat and Steve looking at you all along. You pushed away from your positions, blushing harder.

"Looks like these two created air dancing as their new romantic choreography." Clint smirked.

"Of course, Clint. At least we can do it and not you with your wife." Tony rolled his eyes.

".. aw really? Man, wish I had these powers to please my wife."

"Don't. You would be suffering the way like I am, then."

"Then leave it, I'm better with foot." Clint coughed, and Nat shakes his head.

"Tony, Strange wants to talk to you in an hour." Steve said.

"On it, Cap." Tony winks, and he looks back at you. "See ya later, future wife."

"See you later, future husband." You teased him back.

"Aw seriously, get a room you two!" Clint joked and laughs were heard in the room.

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