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"Christ, Felix. I hate you," I groan loudly, squeezing my eyes shut. I reach around, hitting his body somewhere.

"Yah, stop it! You agreed."

I flinch, covering my ears. "Don't yell so loud," I whisper, sending a big 'fuck you' glare to him. I can't believe he talked me into getting drunk.

The pillow I had laid on last night was nowhere to be found. My head was flat against the mattress. Fan-fucking-tastic. At least I had a blanket. I think I was still in my jeans. I wonder how Chan and Minho found us. Were we doing something dumb? Were we already passed out? Were we even in the house?

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick," he moans out, rolling over onto his back.

"Go to the bathroom. I swear to god if you throw up on this bed, I'm going to kill you."

"You would never."

"Wanna test it out?"


"Chan!" I shout, plugging my ears.

"Ah, stop it!"

"You stop!"

"No, you!"

"Boys." Chan's voice booms through the room, quite literally shaking our brains within our skulls. "Do you guys ever stop bickering?"


"That's where you're wrong," Minho smirks, leaning against the doorframe. "When you guys are drunk, you are the perfect pair. And you especially stop fighting when you're kissing."

"What!" We both scream, immediately regretting it when headaches pound us.

"Yeah, you guys were making out on the floor."

"Oh, god," Felix grumbles, covering his face with his hands as if that would hide him.

I sigh, rubbing my temples. "I'm sorry. I did not think that would happen again."

"Yeah, again. Last time was New Years. Why are you both so infatuated with one another when you're drunk? Are you guys secretly in love? It's okay if you are," Chan chuckles, coming over to sit by my feet.

"Pft, as if. He's an attention whore," he scolds.

"And you're a clingy bitch," I retort.

"Guys, guys. Anyway, here are some meds. Take them and just relax. I don't want anyone puking in this room or apartment. You can go home and do that."

"Oh, man. What am I going to tell Jeongin? He doesn't know how we are when we're drunk. What if he's mad at me?"

"Felix, we all know the effects of alcohol and we all know how up each other's asses you two are. He won't be mad. Just explain it to him. He'll probably laugh and move on."

"Eh, you're probably right. Anyway, I should really get home. I think I have work."

I roll over to him, grabbing his waist and pulling him into a cuddling position. "You don't. I checked before we started drinking, remember? Or else we wouldn't have drank so much."

"I don't remember, but I'll trust you." He hugs me back, snuggling into my chest.

"And to think you guys bicker so much."

"Shut up."

"Get out."

"Gosh, fine," Minho laughs.

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