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"Hey mom," I answer my phone, staring down at the sidewalk I was following to my school.

"Hi hon, how's everything going?"

"It's alright. School is okay. The boys are good. How's everything with you and dad?"

"We're good. Your father is possibly moving up to a better position at work. I took Wonnie to the vet today and they gave him some medicine for his ear infection."

"I hope it'll work this time. My poor dog. He's okay though, right? Other than that?"

"Yes, he's doing good. Still a little shit."

"He's gotta be since I'm not there anymore," I smile, wondering how my dog has tortured my parents since I've been gone.

"About that..."

"Hey mom, I'm at school. Can we talk later?" I stop just before the entrance, wanting to finish this call.

"Yes, of course. Talk later then. Love you."

"Love you too."

I don't want to talk about it before school. I'll just end up getting stressed and unfocused. Calling back later is a better idea.


"Lovelies, I'm home." I shut the door behind me, setting my bag down.

"Peach~ how was school?" Chan comes into view holding his phone, but slipping it into his back pocket.

I shrug, drained from only three classes. My hand was throbbing. "Okay, I guess. What did you guys do today? Where's Minho?" Please don't say poker game.

"He's in his cage resting. He's getting better though. I might have to go dig up some souls for him, otherwise, he won't be as strong as he used to."

"Are you going to make more deals or find them some place else?"

"It'll be easier to make other deals, but I'll ask around to see if I can find some floating."

"Okay." Picking up my bag, I drag myself to the bedroom. I notice a slight frown on Chan's face when I walk past, but I say nothing.

My bag hits the floor and I take out my homework with a struggle. I can barely focus on it. My eyes are blurry and my head... it's just pounding.

"What's the matter?" Chan whispers behind me, setting a hand on my waist.

I shake my head. It was just a headache, right? Then why did my legs feel like noodles? Why was it suddenly getting harder to breathe? Why were my thoughts so loud?

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. You're okay." He starts kissing my neck, trying his best to calm me down without making a ruckus. His hands travel under my t-shirt, brushing against my hot skin. His colder body temperature evened mine out, almost as if he was controlling it.

I take in a breath through my nose, letting it fall out through my mouth. Everything was okay again. Normal levels.

"What happened?" He questions, sitting me down in my desk chair rather than on the bed.

"I don't know. It was fine. I'm just tired," I sigh, letting my eyes slip closed. My fingers interlace, deadweight on my lap.

"Take a nap, babe. You don't have classes tomorrow. You can do your homework then."

"I have to call my mom. She needed to talk to me about something." I pinch the bridge of my nose, leaning forward and resting my elbow on my thighs.

"Call her and then let's rest for a few."

Hellhounds || Chanminsung ✔️ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu