Unfinished Texting Story! Part 1!

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Sterek texting~ I wrote this right when I got into Sterek, I couldn't figure out how to get wifi at School so I wrote this in notes but completely forgot about it until now, It is unfinished and will not be finished, just wanted to post this because why not.

Stiles: what is sourwolfs number??
Scott: who the hell is sourwolf? who even names their child that?|
Stiles: the real question is why anyone would name their child Scott?
Scott: rude, and ugh your one to talk.. so anyways who is sourwolf?
Stiles: let me give a description.. big, mean, wolf
Scott: lol why do u wanna text Derek?
Stiles: I need answers to questions...
Scott: alright fine.. 304-904-504
Stiles: thxs broooooo
Scott: whateverrrrr

Stiles texts Derek...
Stiles: Heyyyy
Derek: and who is this?
Stiles: Oh yayy I have to do another description. skinny and defenceless and I use sarcasm as my ONLY defence...
Derek: what could you possibly want Stiles??
Stiles: Good job you figured it out... I have some questions?? helppppp meeeeeeee
Derek: Alright.. ask away...
Stiles: So you are probably curious why I'm suddenly asking you this, the answer is my class has this school paper on mythology and I've chosen werewolves and you are the best person to ask since you have more experience than anyone, IK you guys are real but my lame school doesn't so here we are, the first question is: What was the hardest thing you can to give up after the big change?
Derek: well it wasn't really a change since I was born into this but if I had a choice I would've stayed human Because I feel like I'm missing out on something and I guess that would be the hardest thing to cope,
Stiles: okay got it, sorry BTW that you had to miss out, and also I didn't choose these questions my school did so bear with me, the second question is: Has your personality changed at all since the big step? or In my own words: How do you think your personality would have changed if you had the privilege to be human before becoming a wolf?
Derek: well I believe that I would probably understand emotions more and not feel like an emotionless freak. and I might have been happier.
Stiles: ahh okay, I can teach you emotions if you want;) anyways, third question: If not being a wolf do you think that you would still be just as mature as you are now?
Derek: Probably because I had to be almost like a dad to my sisters and I think that would've made me just as mature as right now. how many questions are there exactly?
Stiles: I kinda feel the same, I mean you know that I'm not that mature but I had to take care of my dad after my mom passed away, I've always felt as though it should have been the other way around but like everyone says death takes a different toll on all of us, heck I sometimes still have to take care of my dad.
Derek: that sucks, I remember when my family was burned in the fire, I was alone, no one to talk to, not even peter because, well you know how he handled it, your dad is really lucky to have such an appreciative son like you.
Stiles: I'm sorry are conversation led to talking about your family, I didn't mean for that to happen, IK a little about how hard it is, heck it still hurts like hell when people mention my mom at get-togethers or any time like that, I know we aren't close enough to talk about feelings but I am here if you need to talk to. I do not give two shits on how late or even how early it is, I will answerrrrrrrrr alrighttt???
Derek: you are a funny one, thank you for the offer. are there any more questions?
Stiles: lol I totally forgot about that, fourth question is: how did you figure out you were a wolf? It's funny because the school gave me these questions to answer myself about I would feel about being a wolf and I can just ask youuuu...
Derek: I knew from signs when I was growing up and then my parents told me because at first, I thought I was going nuts because of me hearing everything around me, idk what would have happened if I turned completely not knowing what I was...
Stiles: that would have been hilarious, and a way funnier story, you should totally pretend that happened...
Derek: maybe
Stiles: so uhh that was the last question, thanks and bye wolfy...
Derek: bye stiles.

Scott adds Isaac, Derek, Stiles, Liam and Peter to "The GUYSSSS"
Derek: wth is this?? and why is Peter of all people in this??
Stiles: Yea like bro I have to finish a paper!
Liam: so do I, who did you ask? I'm still bummed you rejected me I could've given way more legit answers!
Scott: Obviously he is gonna ask me he just didn't get around to it, right dude??
Stiles: well the paper is pretty much done so what do you think the answer will be?
Derek: send me the paper when you're done
Stiles: yepppp will do wolfyyy
Peter: jealous are we, McCall??
Scott: oh shove it peter!
Stiles: He is the alpha with the most frickin' experience so all of you can it! I would threaten but that big guy's job!
Scott: oh alright ):
Liam: I have experience!
Derek: I heard you cried when you found out so I wouldn't say you have experience...
Stiles: I had my fingers crossed.....
Scott: Of course you did -rolls eyes-
Peter: something wrong with your emoji's
Scott: lazy
Peter: you are an alpha you shouldn't be lazy, and they say I'm a bad alpha...
Scott: oh hush it, it's a very tiring job!
Derek: ya think?! man up Scott
Stiles: yeaa I seriously don't understand how the universe chose you!
Derek: stiles don't overreact but you'd make a better alpha than him any day.
Scott: you guys r just a bunch of bullies! hmph
Peter: well man up like my dear nephew said!
Liam: I'd make a great alpha!
Derek: no not even close
Peter: Dear nephew, I think you broke stiles! haha
Derek: why would u say that?
Scott: obvious because he hasn't responded yet, you just gave him a frickin complement.
Liam: Oh no... do ya think he fainted?
Peter: haha Scott go check!
Scott: uhh guysssss??
Derek: what's going on?
Scott: I'm by his window....he's uhhhh dancing...
Derek: Why the hell is he dancing?Scott: um u have to ask him..'
Derek: stiles.....
Stiles: yea sorry I uhhhh zoned out?
Derek: Stiles why were you dancing?
Stiles: are ya dense? you said I'd make a better alpha than Scott. Of course, I'd be dancing!
Derek: I told you not to freak out.....
Stiles: I didn't promise did I?
Derek: ahh alrighttttt
Scott: why do you think stiles would make a better alpha than me?
Derek: do you remember who told you what you were? He did, you would've been way more freaked out if it wasn't for him so that makes him strong and worthy for the alpha title.
Scott: Do you really think that? I guess it's true he's pretty strong, he kept me from hurting people the first change!
Derek: Exactly, Scott you really need to take this more seriously.
Peter: ya McCall. so stiles how are you rn?
Scott: he's not gonna answer... he uhh had to take a shower..
Liam: yeah sure
Derek: why does he always flip when I say stuff like that?
Scott: well ughh you never did that b4 u always just threaten the guy.
Derek: it's our thing...
Peter: yea guys, It'stheir "thing" how adorable is that??
Liam: hahahahaha peter why? do you ship them?
Peter: of course!! sterek is life!
Scott: oh my god!!! you are such a fangirl!! I will never stop teasing you about this!
Derek: would you all shut up?! just because I compliment the guy does not mean you all need to ship us, I'm out of here, do not add me back!
Peter: whoa there nephew calm down...
Derek has left the chat.
Stiles has left the chat.
Peter: Did I mention that they are ADORABLE!
Scott: would ya can it? you made Derek mad!
Isaac: I have to live with the guy! thanks a lot!
Peter: since when were you here?
Isaac: I was observing...
Scott: hate to agree but he's right, lol
Isaac: I didn't want him to get angry because you guys seem to keep forgetting I live with the guy everything I say in this chat he will be angry with me if I even said one thing!
Peter: awe buttercup!
Scott: ugh I'm gonna go and check on stiles...
Scott deletes the chat and texts stiles

Scott: You okay?
Stiles: yea totally, Derek may be a big bad wolf but he means well. so listen to him more often...
Scott: whoa what happened? why are ya defending him?
Stiles: I'm cutting him some slack. he told me some stuff and I just idk, and he complimented me so what am I supposed to be the jerk? na uh
Scott: alright

Scott messages Derek.
Scott: I am sorry I added you to the group.
Derek: whatever.
Scott: What's going on between you and stiles? he said he found out some stuff and he doesn't know why but that suddenly changed his outlook on you? idk
Derek: Nothing, we just have more in common than we thought. What's so bad about that?
Scott: nothing just weird ig anyways ima go sorry again
Derek: Bye

Stiles texts Derek.
Stiles: Hey, Thanks for the compliments, sorry that I freaked out it just surprised me haha, and sorry about the guys they're dumb.
Derek: Your welcome, and it's okay I get it, and also do not apologize for those guys it's not your fault.
Stiles: Thanks.
Derek: No need to thank me just telling the truth.
Stiles: haha so um the paper is almost done I'll sender in a minute.
-stiles paper-
This wolf was as strong, independent as he could be, He was born into this and he couldn't just walk out, He wanted to be human, he wanted to feel what everyone around him was feeling. from the first sense he wishes he could go back and tell himself to ignore it just so he could stay human a bit longer, how funny would it have been if he woke up in a wolf form? Now that would've been a fun story to tell. He wanted a better personality but could he ever learn? maybe his dear old friend could explain it. but yet again he just couldn't go back.
Stiles sent Derek the paper.
Derek: That's amazing! I'd give you an A if I could.
Stiles: Thanks, The teacher wanted it to be short but interesting I think it was Interesting.
Derek: It is, anyways I gtg bye Sti.
Stiles: Bye Der.

During school...
Stiles: heyyy
Derek: aren't you in class?
Stiles: maybe.
Derek: Get back to work...
Stiles: buttt I'm bored af...
Derek: Stiles...
Stiles: I know what they are learning alreadyyyy
Derek: Stiles you could get a suspension.
Stiles: so?
Derek: Pay attention to class.
Stiles: butttt derrrrrr
Derek: Stilessss
Stiles: awe fine, party pooper!
Derek: ):

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