But why?

“Xander why did you suddenly decide for us to go camping?” he’s always working so where’s he gonna find time to relax.

“like you said; I need to relax so I’ve decided to lay off work for a while” he had a mischievous smirk.

“but what would your father do?” I didn’t want him to have any issues with his family.

He already doesn’t have a good relationship with his dad so this might make it worse.

“meh he’d be pissed but I don’t really give a f*ck, neither should you” he sounded serious towards the end, making me straighten up slightly.

My mind wandered off to what he said about his childhood.

Now it makes sense. Hunter and Angela would play all day and he would be in his room working his butt off.

I’m sure it was frustrating for him.

“can I ask you something?” Xander suddenly said I nodded.

“what would you do if I tried to feed from you?” this question sent alarms going off in my head. Of all questions why that?

“I erm don’t think I would do anything because I’m your pet and you have the right to do with me as you wish. Is anything the matter?” I spoke with confidence which wasn’t like me at all.

Silence… The fact that he wasn’t saying anything was scaring me.

Last time Xander drank from me was because of his bloodlust and it wasn’t a pretty experience.

“It’s come to my attention that I’ve started craving blood…your blood. I can hold it a whole lot longer but if I do and I experience high bloodlust again you might not make it this time” everything was so sudden.

Him drinking from me did scare me but it was something that couldn’t be avoided.

As a pet I’m going to get fed from; that part was obvious but the fact that he wants to do it now.

My face was a pot mixing with fear and anxiety.

What if he loses control? I should be thankful he even asked. Most masters would’ve taken me by force every day.

“don’t worry about me drinking too much. I promise I’ll control myself” it’s not like I had much of a choice.

If I didn’t do this now, when he eventually goes through bloodlust, it’ll be a million times worse.

So, prevention is better than cure.

Xander gestured for me to move forward. I wanted to do this. I needed to do this.

I want to help him but no matter how hard I try to be brave, I’m still a weak person.

My body began to tremble as I was only feet away from him.

I’m meant to trust him for crying out loud! Not many masters are as patient as this.

Xander tapped his lap and I took it as my cue to sit.

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