chapter 49 truth

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"YOU DIDN'T SLAPPED HIM?? Y/N!!! that's so not you."

that's when her proud moment came. she smirk hearing me and scoff before continuing.

y/n: next day I went to work and for his apology. when I walk through his office all look at me like 'finally she got boss under her fingers' but I ignored all that and went in to talk about last night.... and you know what he said??

she turn facing me actively and acted like a typical gossip girl aka typical y/n with a drama on her own. I know she did something for sure so I nod and gave her my all attention.

y/n: he said 'look y/n I know you are alone and I'm about to get a divorce... I was thinking to ask you for a long time since you and John separated.' I was like dude did you smoke? are you high? I flare up at him making obvious to outer peoples.

I control my chuckle at her acting in boss lines she is so in character.

y/n: he came close to me make me step back... he was trying to be intimated and said 'we both know why you working here... because somewhere you like me' i rolled my eyes at him and knocked his balls from my knees.

I clap for her with whole satisfaction.

"that's my y/n... you should keep knocking others' balls if they cross their lines!!"

she laughs at my expression and continues...

y/n: he moans covering his bottom and I crossed my arms standing in front of him. I said 'sorry but you got the wrong girl... we had a good friendship that's why I'm not harming you instead.' I said and slide away everything from his desk and all broked.

I cupped her face and kiss all over her face pleasantly! this all feels so good... having her company and vibes!

y/n: but he said I'll regret what I did... and I am regretting. he is making sure I won't any job here.

"but you did right thing!"

y/n: I know that's why I'm paying the price for doing right. this world is not that good baby... you will think someone is helping you with their good heart but everyone wants something in return! he was my good friend and now I had hit him!!

"it's not your fault if he had bad intentions. and I know you can do anything so... why not come with me??"

she rolls her eyes and smirks straight.

y/n: why? to create more articles and photos of us?

"NO! I will buy you a house and we'll do everything in it."

I throw my great idea at her with a wink and she wide her eyes at me remembering something.

y/n: wai-wait!! yoongi I'm still mad at you. I got a change of track but I'm back.

I cover my face in sadness! looks like she decided to end us.

"so you want me to go now? you ending this all?"

I asked with my sad Pout looking down.

y/n: when I said that? I said I hate us!! because we had to stay this far from each other... but looks like you want to end things.

"NO! NeVEr y/n. I came to make things right not to finish."

y/n: then make it!

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