
It was dark outside when she finally got home after college, she was cold and wet from the sudden downpour that had happened as she got off the bus, none of that bothered her as much as what she thought Luka might think of her now.

Apple didn't even need to ask why Kim did this to her, a public humiliation was bound to happen, she just didn't think Luka would find out who she was so soon, she had secretly hoped to graduate before he found out who sent him Apples for two years.

She knew that those pictures and videos people took of her will be everywhere by tomorrow and there was nothing she could do to stop it, it was karma and it had finally come to destroy her and her nonexistence.

She didn't feel like going to the Gringlys tonight, the only people to her who treated her like family, she didn't want to answer any questions that they may have, and she didn't want them to make a big deal out of it.

Opening the front door to her house, she was welcomed with a quiet and cold atmosphere, 'when was the last time I was here?' she thought to herself, not remembering when she last went home.

After sending a quick text to Martha Gringly to say she is spending the night at home, Apple took her shoes off and shut the front door, the lights inside instantly lit up the room.

Compared to Martha andJohn Gringly's house, hers was more like a museum, a cold uncomfortable tomb for the dead, it was pale and partly empty, her mother had assured her when her father was alive that it was aesthetic.

Apple and her father didn't care much about furniture, so they both accepted her mother's vision of what a home should be.

Apple knew the truth after spending so much time with Martha and John next door, her house was never a home, there were no pictures of a family hanging up on the walls here, there was nothing to say a child grew up here, not a single photo of their once happy family, it was like nobody lived here in all the years she had been alive.

The only room that her mother didn't touch was her bedroom, it was completely Apple's and she did what she wanted with that space, the only place she could go to at the end of the day and relax and get away from her mother when she was at home.

The day her father died Apple thought a lot about her mother, who didn't cry at his funeral nor hug her to comfort Apple who was close to her father, she was sure her mother didn't care about them at all, after the funeral she had disappeared, leaving behind a single note that she had to go travel for business.

That was almost two years ago, and since then Apple gets a text here and there, her mother telling her that she was busy and will be gone for another month, Apple had stopped replying to her mother's texts, her mother soon caught on and didn't bother texting her anymore, she texted Martha instead.

Martha and John had been there when her mother choose not to, they brought her into their family and welcomed her like family, and since then she was happy, she was no longer a ghost living in a big house alone anymore, she had people who made her hot meals, and asked how her day was like a family should.

Apple showered and decided to watch a movie to wind down from the events of today, knowing that it's only Tuesday and she has to go to college tomorrow, she thought about skipping, it wasn't like she needed to go anyways, she could've graduated at the start of the year and start at a new life.

'I could still do it, it's not too late' Apple thought to herself, but every time she thought about it, it made her sad, she had tried too hard the last year to try and make things enjoyable in college, she watched students be teenagers, talks of parties and gossip.

Apple felt like an alien in her college, the students knew she was different so like gravity they avoided her like she wasn't even there, the teachers knew her most, and they encouraged her to graduate early every time they got her alone, telling her how she's wasting her time in college.

Apple had wasted so much time doing nothing that the day she left a note in Luka's locker, she made a decision to finally do something about her boring life and make a bucket list, it was advice from Martha, to do all the things she wanted to do before she graduates college life and moves on to working life.

Losing her virginity was never a big deal, but if she were to give it to anyone it would have to be someone she liked, so why not Luka Ellis? She knew he was hardly a virgin, she had seen photos of him tagged on other people's Instagram, he was always surrounded by good-looking beautiful women, plus he was athletic and charismatic.

Apart from him being surrounded by all these attractive women, Apple eventually learned from watching him that he wasn't a jock at all, he was more for himself even surrounded by friends and Apple noticed that and liked that about him, he didn't gossip or say a bad word about anyone, he was nice to everyone.

The more she thought about her bucket list, the more excited she got, and she rarely got excited, now that everyone probably knows who she is, why not start the list now? There are only a few months left of college before graduation, she may never see Luka Ellis again after that.

Turning off the light and getting under the covers, Apple made a decision to start tomorrow on her list, she would finally do something she has been wanting to do for a while, she was going to stay home from college and put all her effort into the first thing on her list.

Apple was going to cut her hair and make an Instagram, the first step to pushing herself to be more social, it was always a struggle for her to go online and let others see photos of herself, but it was too late.

Once she put her mind to something, she did it, and she was going to do this, Apple wanted to be like every other girl her age and do the things they did, she was going to go outside of her bubble, even if it was online, it's a start.

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