[SFW] Albert with a Brat!S/O Headcanons

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A/N: ...There's an NSFW version of this one (because I wasn't sure which one was requested) and I'm not sure if I should post it here, or like do another book ^^" Y'all can comment if you wanna read it here, or read it on another book, or would prefer not to see it :)

Tag/s: Headcanons

Warning/s: Profanity

-Let's be real... Albert loves spoiling his S/O.

-From buying the prettiest outfits, eating at the most high-class restaurants, to touring the most exotic places, he's got you covered.

-But this mas has his rules and limits.

-No distracting from missions, no causing a scene with nobles around, and so on and so on.

-As long as you follow them, you're good to go!

-It takes a lot to get under his skin.

-As long as you're not doing anything to affect the missions, you'll be fine.

-But if you're acting out in public or back at home to his brothers, he'll put you back to your place.

-But when you misbehave, he has his own way of punishing you.

-Depending on what you did, that's what your punishment will be.

-Taking away your favorite clothes, not going out to dinner, and so on.

-He usually makes you do the chores around the house. That way, Louis can also catch a break.

-When you do behave and finish your punishment, he's back to his loving self.

-He usually gives you a gift afterward for behaving properly.

-But if you're still acting like a brat, the punishment gets bigger.

-One time, you had to do all of Sebastian's chores, which made the colonel very happy.

-He can be a little sh*t while punishing you too.

-He likes to taunt you while you're working or just watch you with a teasing grin.

-If he catches you grumbling or glaring, he'll just taunt you even more.

-"What was that, love?"

-"Nothing! Nothing..."

-You are his darling little angel, but he will remind you who's in charge when he needs to.


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