|Moriarty Brothers + Sherlock| Birthday Scenarios

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Short Stories

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

"Happy birthday, dear." Albert greeted you as soon as you woke up, kissing your cheek as he placed your breakfast on your lap.

"Good morning," you sleepily smiled, leaning onto Albert as you looked at your food.

"...This is-"

"-I asked Louis to make your favorites," Albert explained, cutting a piece for you.

"Aww... You didn't have to," you smiled, kissing his cheek as you sat upright.

"It's your birthday. I want you to feel special," Albert smiled, feeding you a piece.

"I also planned the whole day for us," you raised a brow as you took the spoon and fork from him.

"The whole day? I thought you had a meeting this afternoon?" you asked, taking another bite.

"It's rescheduled tomorrow so I can spend the whole day with you," he kissed the top of your head as he got up.

He opened his closet and pulled out a beautiful box with a neat bow.

Your eyes excitedly widened as you opened it, seeing the outfit that caught your eye a couple of days ago while you two were out shopping.

"I hope you like it," he smiled, watching you awe over your gift.

"It's amazing!" he quickly pulled him into a hug, "Thank you so much," you smiled, giving him a nose kiss.

You carefully got up from your bed and put the outfit over your body.

"I can't wait to see you wear it tonight," you tilted your head over to Albert.


"I made reservations on your favorite restaurant for dinner," he answered, walking up to you.

He moved your hair away from your face as his fingers lingered down to your chin, pulling you for a kiss.

"I can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you,"

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