💟 |Albert James Moriarty| "Let's just stay in bed."

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Requested By: Gabriella_2026_black

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You carefully placed the candy roses on top of the cake, paying attention to the design and detail.

It was a two-layered chocolate cake with rose decorations on top, a small chocolate heart with "Happy Valentine's Day" written in white icing.

You let out a sigh of relief as you wiped your hands, proud of your work.

"Wow... Did you make that (N/N)?" James asked, walking into the kitchen.

You chuckled as you watched them gaze at your cake in awe.

"Yeah, I figured I'd make chocolate that all of us can enjoy," you confirmed, putting away your utensils into the sink.

"I was planning to surprise all of you, but I guess-"

In the corner of your eye, you saw James trying to take a rose off the cake.

You swiftly grabbed a spatula and swatted his hand away, making him yelp and pull his hand, pouting at you.

"It's for everyone, James,"

"I'm home," you heard Albert call out as you helped Louis and Jack-sensei set up the table.

"I'll get him," you hastily said, making your way to the front doors without waiting for a reply.

You smiled as your eyes landed on Albert, who instantly smiled and opened his arms to you.

You quickly jumped into the hug as a chuckle erupted from his chest.

"I missed you too," he teased, swaying you both from side to side.

You pulled away as Albert placed a kiss on your forehead, your smile not leaving your face.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, Will said you had a surprise over the phone?"

You internally sighed, now having two people knowing your surprise.

'I guess I should have seen that coming...'

"Yep! Come on," you pulled him to the dining room, "We were just about to eat lunch,"

"Tada...!" you half-sarcastically said, opening the box and showing your cake.

"It's beautiful, Young (Y/N)!"

"You made this all by yourself?"

"Dibs on the biggest rose!"

You shyly laughed as everyone crowded around the cake.

"Since it's Valentine's, I thought I would make some chocolate for all of us," you smiled, cutting up the cake for everyone.

A chorus of thank-you's erupted from the men, making you smile.

"I'm guessing the chocolate heart is for Albert?" Sebastian teased, making your cheeks heat up.

"What can I say? I'm the favorite," Albert joked along, making you scoff and lightly hit the two men.

"Less talking, more eating,"

After lunch, you helped Albert with his bags... most of them were shopping bags.

"You sure weren't shy with souvenirs," you chuckled, making Albert smile.

"Well, they are all for you," he mused, placing the bags in your shared room as you stopped.

You looked around the room, the floor almost covered with bags.

"...You're kidding?"

Albert lightly laughed as he sat on the bed, pulling you along as he laid down.

He let out a breath as he relaxed, making you chuckle.

"Tired out, huh?" you swept his bangs away from his face as he turned over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he nodded.

"Let's just stay in bed for the rest of Valentine's," he offered, making you laugh.

"I don't see why not," you pulled yourself into a more comfortable position, letting Albert rest as you cuddled to his side, slowly drifting to sleep, slowly drifting to sleep.


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