|Albert + William James Moriarty| Getting Rejected

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A/N: I might do a part 2 of the Sherlock Holmes Rejection one in the future if I get the inspiration ^^"

Tag/s: Headcanons

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-He's a pretty observant person, so when he notices that you don't like his advances, he'll stop immediately.

-He won't push you to like him or make you feel guilty for rejecting him.

-Not gonna lie... When you told him bluntly that you didn't see him that way, it was like a breath of fresh air.

-He might have laughed, but not in a condescending way. It was genuine.

-He was not really expecting that kind of reaction, but it was welcomed anyhow.

-He respects your decision and boundaries, knowing how awful it would feel if someone didn't.

-He sees no point in pursuing you further when you seem uncomfortable.

-If you still want to be friends with him, he's more than happy to.

-He'll try to keep a safe distance from you, not wanting to create any misunderstandings between you two.

-You two still talk amongst each other and might share witty remarks here and there about nobility.

-If anyone tries to make comments about your relationship, he immediately shuts them down as politely as he can.

-He doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable with him just because of some rumors.

-If any noble talks to him about you and how he feels about you, he just tells them that you're just friends and everything's platonic.

-You two might share a dance here and there, but it's usually because you two don't want to talk to any nobles.

-Eventually, you two actually make a good pair of best friends.

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-He can immediately tell when you're not interested in him, and that's okay!

-When you plainly told him you're not interested in him that way, he'll say that it's all right and move on.

-It actually got him more interested in you, not in a romantic way, but you as a person.

-William hasn't actually been rejected, seeing how persuasive he can be. So meeting you was a rarity.

-Same as Albert, he sees no point in pushing his feelings onto you if you don't reciprocate them.

-If you offer being friends instead, he'll happily agree.

-Just because you don't like him back doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy your company anymore.

-And you might actually help him with his plan, seeing that you might have the same ideals as him.

-He'll try to watch his movements and words from now on, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or send the wrong message to the public.

-Unfortunately, some people still see sparks flying even when there's not even a fire.

-If people still think you two might be an item, he immediately corrects them, saying you're only friends.

-Even in his class, his students ask about you.

-He'll just sigh and let them know that you're just friends calmly, not seeing how this is related to his lecture.

-William doesn't want things becoming awkward between you two, so he keeps mental notes of what you deem comfortable and uncomfortable.


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