|Sebastian Moran| Fight in Town

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Requested By: QyuriAreum

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Where is that man...?" you thought out loud, huffing as you looked around the street.

You practically went to every bar you could think of, even to the newest ones.

Some could even make out your face, making it hard to explain to his past paramours why Sebastian hasn't shown up again after their night together.

'That was a mess...' you thought, just thankful that your hair is still intact and on your head.

"Sebastian!" you shouted as you cupped your hands around your mouth, feeling like a guardian looking for their missing child.

"Come on, lady..." a voice slurred from an abandoned alleyway, making you stop.

"Let's just have a little fun," another snickered, making you furrow your brows and raise your shoulders in disgust.

"Please... Don't hurt me..." a feminine voice squeaked in a shaky voice, making you rush over instinctively.

"Hey," you called out as you threw a piece of trash to one of them, catching their attention.

Two men cornered the woman, holding her wrist with a knife on the other.

"The hell do you want?" one of them hiccuped, clearly drunk out of his mind.

"Let her go," you ordered, making the two men look at each other and laugh.

"Oh yeah? You and what army?" he taunted. The sound of a gunshot echoed as a bullet barely grazing his face as he fell down on his butt.

"Back off," a deep voice snarled, catching you all by surprise as the sound of a gun reloading came from behind you.

'Now, he shows up!?' you exasperated but decided to talk to him some other time.

"Why you-!" the other man grumbled, pulling the woman behind him.

You quickly ran up to him and hit his hand with a knife, making him drop it as you flipped him over and held him down.

Sebastian walked up to the three of you as he kept his gun pointed at the shaking one, making him whimper.

"Get out," he glared, making the shaking man crawl while you let the other one go, watching them scurry off with their tails in between their legs.

"Are you okay?" you asked the woman, making her hesitantly nod.

"T-Thank you so much!" she bowed her head, clearly still shaken up.

"Emma!" a male voice called out, running up to the woman.

"Harry!" the woman exclaimed as the man hugged her tight.

You sighed in relief as Sebastian walked up to you, making you furrow your frown.

"Where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you!" you scolded but earned no reaction from the man.

You raised a brow as he kept a stern expression at you.

"Thank you so much for helping my sister!" the man said, both of them bowing their heads to you.

"Don't mention it," you reassured as you waved your hand while Sebastian nodded his head.

You four went to your separate ways, with you and Sebastian going back to the manor.

"Hey," you called out, "Why are you so quiet? Do you have any idea how many bars--"

"-What the hell you were thinking?" he grumbled, surprising you.

"What are you--"

"They were two men. One of them was even armed, and you march in with no care in the world!?" he scolded, making you frown.

"Well, what do you expect me to do!? Ignore like I didn't hear what was happening!?"

"It was a stupid thing to do!"

"I was trying to help!"

"And what would you do if you got hurt instead!?"

"I wouldn't!"

"How would you know!?"

"I can take care of myself, Sebastian!"

You two stopped walking, continuing to shout at each other until you lost your breaths.

Sebastian clicked his tongue as he walked off, leaving you behind.

You scoffed as you followed him, crossing your arms as you two walked home, fuming at each other.

The whole trip home was quiet, even when you arrived at the manor.

Everyone could tell something was going on between the two of you but decided not to pry on your business.

This went on until evening.

"Sebastian, you moron... Sebastian Moron more like it," you grumbled as you chopped the ingredients, talking to yourself.

"Hey," Sebastian called out as he knocked on the door, making you turn to him.

You frowned as you faced back to the chopping board.

"What do you want?" you asked, making Sebastian sigh.

"Can you at least face me?" he asked, making you huff and turn to him, crossing your arms.

"What?" you asked again, making Sebastian scratch his head.

"...I'm sorry I yelled at you," he grumbled, making you widen your eyes.

"I didn't mean to scold you, and I know you can handle yourself, but that doesn't mean you can jump into danger all you want," he added, making you sigh.

"...I'm sorry for worrying you," you mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, "But I won't just turn a blind eye when someone's in danger,"

"Yeah... it's one of your best and most annoying traits," he muttered, making you smile, "But at least bring someone with you, next time? If I come home to you all covered in cuts and bruises again--"

You flinched at the memory, remembering your drunk brawls.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm sorry..." you said, putting your hands in a praying position, "Can we stop fighting now?"

Sebastian breathed out a smile at your question, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't see why not," he muttered, pulling you in a hug.

You smiled as you hugged him tight until you remembered why you were in town.

"Where were you, by the way?" you asked, looking up at him as he froze at your question.

"...You weren't out with another girl, right?" you squinted your eyes at him.

"Of course not," he denied with a sigh, "I was buying something, and it took a while to find it," he vaguely answered as he kept you in his arms while walking back to your chopping board.

"I assume you and Mx. (Y/N) have made up?" Louis asked as Sebastian walked out of the kitchen, his eyes not leaving the table.

"Yeah, yeah..." Sebastian muttered, walking up to him.

"Couldn't you have shown me a store somewhere closer?" he complained, making Louis roll his eyes.

"You asked me what's Mx. (Y/N)'s favorite bakery and clothing store. It's not my fault if they are farther away than you anticipated,"


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|William & Sherlock| Best Friends for ShiannK_


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