Albert and Mycroft's S/O Bragging About Them Headcanons

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Tag/s: Headcanons that became a scenario

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-You were hanging out with your friends in the gardens, catching up with each other while drinking tea and eating cake.

-Unknown to your group, Albert just came back from his trip and wanted to surprise you with your favorite snacks and souvenirs.

-He was looking around the gardens and spotted you in the corner of his eye.

-Seeing you were with your friends, he stopped and wanted to wait for the right time to surprise you.

-One thing led to another, and your friends asked where Albert was, and you said he was still on a trip and coming back tomorrow.

-Your friends shared uneasy looks, saying they heard rumors of Albert being seen with another woman and were worried about you.

-It also didn't help that Albert was always away on trips, and women fawn over him at parties.

-This caught you and Albert by surprise.

-Albert frowned at himself as he looked down at the treat bag.

-He knew he knew his work had been taking a lot on him, getting more overtime than usual.

-It also doesn't help that when you are together, the two of you are usually at parties getting intel from fussy nobles.

-But the fact that there are rumors of Albert being unfaithful to you caught him off guard.

-"...I appreciate your concern, but there really is nothing for you to worry about," you reassured, your voice unshaken in the slightest.

-"If I had to guess, it must have been Moneypenny Albert was with, his secretary," you chuckled, catching your friends by surprise.

-"It is true that some other party guests can be... troublesome, but it's nothing I can't handle,"

-"And besides, I always had Albert by my side," you smiled, recalling all the times Albert had helped you from frivolous guests, "And he'd never let anyone hurt me,"

-"I know how passionate and sincere he is about work. It's one of the things I love about him," you lightly laughed, "And I don't want to get in the way of that,"

-"But don't you get lonely when he's away?"

-"Hm... I indeed miss him every time he leaves," you confessed, spinning your drink in your hand,

-"But I always get to spend a whole day with him before and after the trip, so it's not so bad... And I know he loves me since he would always call me every day without fail," you smiled fondly. Your calls while he's away almost become routine for you both.

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