Chapter 9: Core of Reasons

Start from the beginning

A hand reach out and landed on Emilya's shoulder, startling her. It was another member of Team-A, Akuta Hinako, who looks at her without any hint of emotion but her voice drips with empathy.

"At least know that I understand how you feel," with that said, she continue onward without looking back, leaving the cafeteria.

"Oh my, didn't know you made the unapproachable legend, Akuta Hinako herself to open up to you, tell me, what trick did you use, oh darling Emi?" Pepe asks, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Beat me, I guess I said something that she like or understood personally?" Emilya answered, honestly, she had been trying to make friends with Akuta but always seems like she's being ignored until now.

"...Hey Emilya, if your Servant, that Saber came out as a rouge Servant and on the side of wiping humanity clean, will you hesitate to order us to kill her?" Kadoc asks, ignoring Pepe's attempt to change the subject.

"Kadoc!?" Pepe and Ophelia scold him, though he just rolls his eyes and turns away, looking far into the distance while leaning against his elbow.

"What silly question is that Kadoc"


Emilya wipe her mouth with a clean tissue after finishing her last spoonful of fried rice. She looks at Team-A, eyes devoid of any light and emotion, and smile. Which startle all three of them and a bit frightening to see those stare in the ever so calm and collected short stature woman known as Emilya. Akuta, who's been watching from afar, sighs before leaving the canteen.

'That woman is more broken and lost than me,' she thought as she finally leave the cafeteria.

"The past is in the past. Right now, I don't want to indulge in them as much as I can. So to answer your question, if it is for the sake of preserving humanity...I won't hesitate"




"Who is this, who is this girl!?" Saber mentally yells. She, a Servant, one of the Knight Class, is on the defensive side from the onslaught of a single human child-like looking Magus. The way she fights is that of a wild animal, unpredictable, with no way of knowing what she's thinking.

Saber blocks an overhead swing from a sword that is no longer the Azoth Sword she used to hold. Only for it to de-materialize and went for a very strong to kick to the stomach when she still has some air time left and landed without any difficulty. Saber got pushed away slightly from the impact.


Emilya has one of her hands in her lab coat while observing her opponent, in creepy calmness. As if she was a combat doll devoid of emotion.

"Emilya-Senpai, I have never seen her fight like this before, not even inside the training simulation room," Mashu was awed but slightly scared of her senpai, who she looks up to and loved.

"I'm not surprised, I have seen it here and there but she tends to keep that side of her in check. As you already know, a homunculus can't live for a very long time. Under my dad's order, she was to be under constant maintenance if her body or core were ever harmed or shows a sign of losing herself. In exchange for longer life, she has to burn her emotion as fuel. Romani, how long has it been since her last health check-up?" Olga asks, the hologram appears as Romani answers back.

"No less than 3 months ago. If she's already showing symptoms of losing one-self, then her core is more worn out than I had thought. I suppose it makes sense, we removed the damaged lesser grail from her body since it was deemed useless to function as a core. If only we had another lesser grail, then we can extend her life without any more risk, mentally that is," Romani sighs in frustration.

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