No Time for Passivity (Chapter 20)

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Toshiro clenched his fists tight, turning them pale.

He had had enough of this infuriating game he had been playing a part in up till now.

Enough of, at best, acting as damage control and rear-guard whenever Ryuko popped off and started causing mayhem. Even worse, and even more common than that, was him just sitting on the sidelines with his thumb up where the sun don't shine as the fire burns around of him. 

Or, well, that's how he felt right now anyway. 

It didn't exactly help that the moment he was no longer within a stone throw of her, she just up and leaves after being in a coma for a MONTH, throwing him, Mako and the rest under the bus to continue beating her head against a brick wall - that being Ragyo and Nui.  

'Fuckin' saw herself as a 'monster', did she FORGET I'm part Fiber too?!  I'll "Always be that Toshiro, no matter what" she said, huh... One rule for me but another for her...'

One thing had to be done now, from both a pragmatic 'observer' point of view and that of his own mind - For his own good, for the benefit of Mako, Mikisugi, the Elites and Hol Horse, along with all the other Nudist personnel... Hell, even for the benefit of Ryuko herself, he must move forward for his own cause. Fight his own battles, not being some subordinate clause in his own story. 

Maybe Ryuko's departure was fate's funny little was of kicking him in that direction all along. After all, as Hol Horse said, his ultimate destiny was to always keep moving forward, and he sure had plenty of that to be doing now.


Mako and the person in question eyed him worriedly (probably because the raspiness in his throat made him sound far more menacing than he intended). Toshiro cleared his throat as he got up back onto his own two feet.

"Sorry, sorry, ehem... What's... What's the plan now?"

"I suppose that's what the others are probably discussing." Gamagori duly informed. "They might even be waiting for us to join them."

"Well... Let's not keep them waiting, eh?" Toshiro dusted himself off, and followed the giant as he led the way to the hatch. "C'mon Mako, and take Senketsu with you too."

The bestie and the uniform were surprised at Toshiro's suddenly detached demeanor, but Mako, being Mako, needn't be told twice. Her appearance flipped without delay from teared up to serious (or as close to as she could get).

"You got it!" She did a salute and grabbed the uniform by the sleeve, running up and full-on swan dived down the hatch, ladders be damned. Toshiro and Gamagori blinked, until they heard a faint "I'm OK!" from down below. The stand user simply chuckled and shook his head, descending the ladder like a normal person.

It was at this moment that Gamagori realized the hatch may need a few... Adjustments.


"...That's Slacker, Northie and Thing 1 accounted for." Jakuzure 'greeted' them as they walked into the bridge.

"Merci, most valued and treasured Heraldess." Toshiro mock bowed, earning a most pronounced rolling of eyes and grumbling from the 'Snake'.

"Where's Gamagori? I would expect him of all people to show up on time." Inumuta coolly commented.

Toshiro would've shrugged, if the more pressing concern was not to dodge the flying door coming his way. From the hole said door used to occupy, Gamagori squeezed into the bridge, his head denting the ceiling as he did.

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