The End of Fight Club (Chapter 8¾)

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- Toshiro Matsuda -

Toshiro's eyes slowly fluttered open, as he took in his usual immediate surroundings. The ceiling, that is. Scanning around, he could see that it must've already been day, and looking at this alarm this was confirmed - 9:24am.

'The fight's gonna be at 9:30, so if we...' His thought paused as he remembered what happened last night. 'Oh who cares if we're a little late.'

Speaking of last night, Ryuko was still fast asleep on Toshiro's chest, attached such that even if he had wanted to get there on time he wouldn't be able to. Toshiro let his head rest back on his pillow, just enjoying the moment until they -had- to get up

A few minutes passed until Ryuko woke up as well, stretching out her arms and back,before settling back into her previous position, not content to leave just yet.

"Slept well?"

"Mmhm, best that I've ever had."

"Well good, seeing as what we're going to do today is probably gonna be exhausting." Toshiro did dread the quitting process, as much as he wanted to do it. 'Mako will be pissed, the Mankanshokus will be pissed, Satsuki's gonna pull some weird shit to trip us up, as per usual... '

"Ugh, don't remind me." Ryuko shuffled to try and sleep her way into forgetting about the rest of the day. "Wake me up when we gotta go, I'm loving this too much right now."

"W-well I'm loving it too, but uh..." Toshiro pointed at his alarm clock, now reading 9:31. "We're technically already late. Or, rather, we are late, since we have to gear up and walk to the Academy and all."

Ryuko rolled her eyes, and let out a groan in protest, but obliged in getting up nonetheless.

"Hey don't be so glum about it. We'll be doing this again soon enough."

"Hmmph, we'd better be." Ryuko grinned back at her partner, before going to leave the room. "C'mon slowpoke, we'd better get going quick before Mako has both our heads."

"Hey, that's rude." Toshiro protested his nickname, although Ryuko already left the room. He chuckled to himself, before setting about readying himself for the day's work.

'Good thing I wrote mine in advance.'' He mentally patted himself on the back for writing a resignation note beforehand. Toshiro turned and opened his door, taking one last look at his Two-Star room before slamming the door shut with no regrets.

'Alright, let's get this show on the road!'



'Here we go...'

After having suited up and actually arriving at the arena they were meant to be in that day, it was more or less 10:00am. And that meant a very, very upset President Mako. The moment she laid eyes on Toshiro and Ryuko strolling in, she immediately stomped over to berate them.

"RYUKO! Your match with the ELITE FOUR is TODAY and you have the AUDACITY to SLEEP IN?! WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?!" Turning to her 2nd-in-command, she was just as, if not more infuriated with him. "And YOU, TOSHIRO, I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU! You should be happy the fight hasn't been cancelled DUE TO YOUR TARDINESS!"

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