New Girl in Town! (Chapter 2)

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(Originally published 13th June 2021)

EDITED on 07/29/2022 : Minor edit to the first Fukuroda fight, plus an image


The Next Day...

-Honno Town Docks-

"There it is... Honnouji Academy...."

Back at the Mankanshoku Residence...

Toshiro slowly flickered back to life as the sun shone through the window to his right.

'Man, did I need that. It's like my brain just drained out all the confusion that had been piling up from yesterday. Let's hope today will be a bit calmer than the first...'

The powers that be weren't too keen on that last part. Almost as if on cue, Mako burst into the guest room, somehow managing to eat a piece of toast and get dressed simultaneously and in multiple parts of the room at once.


'God... Damnit...'

"Alright I'm up I'm up!" Toshiro hastily replied as he hurried to put his own uniform on, managing to grab a piece of toast himself as chased after Mako, who had already begun making - or rather, sprinting - her way to school.

"You should really consider buying an alarm of some sort if you're this paranoid about being late, Mako." Toshiro suggested after having caught up with her. She seemed to be waiting at this alleyway for some reason.

Mako hushed him, which was quite surprising for Toshiro to say the least. Mako seems like the last person to hush someone, though a quick glance at the scene she was looking at soon revealed why she had a sudden change of character.

So from what he had gathered at dinner last night, Mataro, Mako's younger brother, was some kind of alleyway thug, and, lo and behold, there he was with a few other street goons on their latest victim. Their target appeared to be a teenage girl, probably around his or Mako's age, with a distinctive red highlight in her hair and a guitar case slung over her back.

The two slid back behind cover and prepared to intervene - preferably before anyone got hurt - when the noise of a quick brawl from the alley drew their attention back to it. In just the split second they weren't looking, the guitar-case girl had managed to make Mataro's entire gang grovel on the ground for mercy.

'How the hell...'

The girl began to walk off scene, and while Toshiro took this as enough of a punishment for Mataro, Mako thought otherwise. A bullseye on his head with a briefcase and a tackle later, she  pinned him down to the ground and lectured him on his misdeeds.

"Out robbing people at the crack of dawn again, huh?! What'd Mom tell you about that, you gotta get going to school mister!"

"Ok ok ok please get off I'll go to school pleeeease!" Mataro pleaded to no avail.

Toshiro could see the blatantly visible confusion on the new girl's face. He felt some pity on her, knowing full well that he had the exact same feeling yesterday.

"Don't worry about it, this happens a lot" He quickly told the guitar-case wielder before quickly turning back to Mako. "I'm gonna go and catch the tram, I'll let you handle this"

"OK! I'll catch up with ya soon, just gotta teach this punk a lesson first!" Mako replied in her normal cheery tone before quickly going back to lecturing her brother.

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