Silver Chariot and Probe Regalia [Naturals Election] (Chapter 11)

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Ryuko, after recovering from the initial confusion, grew such a fury that even on the cameras it looked like she was about to strangle the first person she could. Meanwhile, down on the stands, every student that knew who Toshiro was (which, after the Sanageyama fiasco, basically meant everyone) looked at him in a mixed array of excitement and interest.

"Toshiro ain't that cool you're gonna fight too!"

"Uh." Was all Toshiro could vocalize, but inside his head it was much more like 'I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW THEY'D DRAG ME IN SOMEHOW THOSE PIECES OF -'


"As I said Matoi, we won't be fighting, so it's really no use to get angry over it." Inumuta said very calmly.


"He doesn't have to be participating. By the rules, I had to prove myself worthy by defeating an opponent who could pose a serious challenge to me. Toshiro fits that requirement well enough, don't you think?"

Ryuko, understandably still dissatisfied with this answer, looked ready to tear Inumuta a new one, when Satsuki interjected with her final word on the matter.


"Call Toshiro Matsuda up to the polling station." And like that, a red platform attached to the arena by life fibers, much like the stairs leading to the different pillars, folded out and descended down to the stands below.

"Fuck it." Ryuko threw up her hands in defeat, and deactivated Senketsu. "Just you wait, he's gonna kick your ass, four-eyes."

"I only care about the data, Matoi." Inumuta replied, a small smirk crawling on his face at the victory he'd already won over Ryuko.


The platform traveled down like an elevator, stopping right in front of where Toshiro was sitting. Looking at Mako, he received a determined grin and a thumbs up. Looking at everyone else... Well, they were looking at him like he was a lab rat in a Biology class.

'Not like I got much choice it seems... ' He thought to himself, before stepping on the platform. As it began to whiz back up to the arena, he heard Mako yelling out cheers and wishes of good luck. 'Hope I don't have to rely on that.'

At the top, Ryuko was already waiting for him.

"Hey, boss. Didn't expect to be on the frontline today." Toshiro greeted casually.

"Take this seriously, idiot." Ryuko pulled him by the collar to face Inumuta, who had already taken his place at the opposite end of the arena. "You are gonna maul him up, alright? I am not gonna have you getting your ass kicked by that data-obsessed asshat."

"No fear boss, I took on Sanageyama and won. I'm pretty sure I can take on Mr. I.T. over there." The Stand-user boasted confidently. Afterall, if he could beat a supposed Kendo master, how much trouble could this be?

"Good." Ryuko sighed, and gave Toshiro a quick peck on the cheek, before going back to her pillar to watch the match. The Stand-user steeled himself and faced Inumuta directly.


Mako looked up in awe at the camera screens, encapsulated by the sheer cool-ness of not just one but BOTH of her friends. Then, the ground shook.

 Then, the ground shook

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Silver Fibers (OC Stand User x Kill la Kill)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن