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'Some mistakes are inevitable. Especially when they are made by the people you once loved dearly'

Xiao Zhan looked everywhere except to his side where the boy a year younger than him laid with his eyes closed.

'Oh look a lamp'

'Oh the wall is white.. Never knew'

'Wait the cupboards have such intricate design, I have to get one of these'

'The carpet looks so comfortable, should I try sleeping on it?'

'Oh and the ceiling, it's so...so...um flat I guess?'

'Is Yibo sle-'

"No, I am not"

Zhan flinched as the vampire spoke with eyes still close.

'Can you read my mind?... Can you read my mind? Is this some soulmate connection shit? Read my mind! I'm reaching to you Wang Yibo-'

"No I can not read your fucking mind! You are thinking way too loud for my liking. I can literally hear everything just by looking at your face"

The human scoffed at the vampire before turning his back to him and copying his every word silently in a mocking tone.

"yOu aRe ThInKiNg WaY tOo LoUd FoR mY LiKiNg~~"

"Are you a child? I can here as clear as the fucking day"

"Why aren't you sleep yet?"

"You tell me why are 'You' not sleep yet?"

"I have my reasons!"

"So suddenly you are the only person who can have reasons?"

"To be completely honest I'm nervous... I'm very nervous... Something keeps flipping inside my stomach... You know the feeling that something shitty is going to happen"

"I know"

"It just.... It just... I don't know. Maybe I'm worried for Hao Xuan and Xiao Xing... Or maybe Uncle or maybe-"

"Or maybe us"

"Or maybe us" He repeated mindlessly.

"Can I hold your hand?" The human asked completely forgetting how stupidly cute he thought of the Vampire when he had requested for a hug.

"Emhm.... If you can find i-"

"Found it!"

The vampire could literally hear him giggle silently and stopped himself from rolling his eyes or even snicker.

"Feel any better?"

"A lot... Can you sleep?"

"After shoving down all that information? I don't think so"

"Say Yibo, if things were different and we'd stayed friends like how our parents were in the past, what do you think... What kind of relationship would we have? What kind of relationship would you like to have with me? Your favourite little human kid?"

"I wish..." It came out more desperate than he'd intended earning a gentle tap over his hand from the human as a form of comfort.

"Even though I don't remember anything from when we were kids. You know what I think it would've been like. I would've literally cracked open the heads of the kids and people who bullied you for being the son of a human and an impure vampire"

Bound By Blood (YiZhan) Where stories live. Discover now