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'Oblivion is a blessing sometimes. The more you know, the more you realise how messed up you and the people around you are'

The guards stood with heads hung low as The Elder Prince entered the meeting room anxiously. Soon the Palace walls trembled because of the thunderous voice laced with intent of murder. The Emperor walked ahead of the Ministers who were looking as dead as the pact of peace between Humans and Vampire at the moment.

"Where is my son?"

He asked as soon as he entered the meeting room. Hai Kuan shifted uncomfortably knowing very well where his brother must be. He stayed silent as the ministers trembled standing in front of the Emperor like felons. One of the ministers spoke up after the deafening silence of a minute.

"The Second Prince left as soon as he received your letter. He was in a hurry and did not inform any of the authorities, Your Highness. He even kept the Elder Prince in dark"

'Don't drag me! I helped him out of here for that matter. I plead guilty.'

"In such a time where there's a big possibility of a war breaking out between two races, you let your Second Prince leave the Palace unsupervised! And on top of that...did not find it necessary to send people after him! And to top it all off you left the Elder Prince unbeknownst to the hassle caused over the Royal Guest! How shameful! Are we really that powerless against the humans that we can't protect someone in our boundaries and walls! Do you have the guts to call yourself a superior race!"

He yelled a little getting overwhelmed. His gaze averted to Hai Kuan who stepped forward to stop his father from bursting a nerve or two.

"Father it's not-"

"Silent, Elder Prince." He interrupted Hai Kuan and threw a silent yet accusing glare at him.

'Now you've done it little brother' Hai Kuan prepared himself as he looked down.

"You arrived at the Palace before me and you dare to speak up for them. I haven't even gotten to the part where you looked over your responsibilities as the Elder Prince. How could you let your brother pull such a stunt at a time like this!"

'Patience Hai Kuan. Do it for Yibo' He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Your Highness Emperor Wang, with all due respect. I would like to tell you that the Second Prince in fact went to safe the dignity of the Palace. He said it is his responsibility to get the Royal Guest back safely."

He finished his little bluff with a gentle bearing smile rendering his father silent. Emperor Wang looked down at his smartass of a son and decided to let him off the hook this time. He smiled thinking of all the ways he's going to get back at his sons. He placed a gentle hand on Hai Kuan's shoulder and smiled one more time. All Hai Kuan could see was a big fat red flag flapping behind his father.

"Then you can go help him fulfill his responsibility. Be the great big brother you are and help your younger brother... Prince Hai Kuan will bring our Second Prince back"

Hai Kuan cursed remembering the last time he visited the human's side and cringed at the memory. He cursed at Yibo for the first time as he nodded with a heavy heart knowing that his father was doing this on purpose to piss him off. He hates going to the other side, if not for Yibo he'd never even think about going there after that traumatic experience.

"Hai Kuan meet me in the garden. I want to talk to you about something"

The younger nodded and walked out of the room. As soon as he turned to go back to his room he bumped into a panicked Alex. Hai Kuan was taken aback seeing the look of pure horror on the face of the Imperial doctor and helped him steady up his stance.

Bound By Blood (YiZhan) Where stories live. Discover now