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'Selflessness? Righteousness? Heroic act?... And.... Plain Stupidity have a very thin line in between'

Warning : No proof-reading whatsoever. There might me a ton shit of mistakes. I apologise in advance for hurting your braincells... And Lots of violence and bloody shit... Advance at your own risk

It was way past midnight when Xiao Zhan gained consciousness after throwing that fit. He groaned not being able to move at all. There was a raging pain all over his body and his head was hurting as if it was going to split. He looked up and saw Hao Xuan sleeping on the couch, FanXing was sleeping on his thigh in a navy blue hospital attire with Hao Xuan's jacket messily placed over him.

Xiao Zhan slowly got out of the bed and walked out of the room quietly. He gradually felt the pain returning as the numbing sensation faded away. It felt suffocating in the hospital, the stench of medicine and death made it difficult to breath freely. He quickly went down the elevator into the open area behind the hospital. It was a refreshing area in the hospital premises to give a sense of life to the patients and the people who came with the patients. At night it felt abandoned, alone. It was a private hospital, not many people could afford such a luxury. Xiao Zhan gulped as a feeling of loneliness and a sense of abandonment slowly settled down in the pit of his stomach. There was something about loneliness. It was bitter, very bitter just like a strong liquor but once you get used to it, It's a bliss. He sat down on a bench and looked into the endless darkness of the night. Somehow it was comforting.

He turned to his right as he felt someone taking the seat. He couldn't stop himself from smiling as he saw Hao Xuan.



"You said you were scared this time"

"I was"

"I was too. Maybe even more than you... I couldn't imagine something happening to you, A'Xing or anyone because of me..."

Hao Xuan stared at the side profile of the younger. Bursted lips, bruised cheeks and those trailing fingerprints around his throat looked really painful.

"What happened back there? You've never-"

"I know... I don't know what got into me. I couldn't keep my emotions in control. I felt like I was going to explode. I wanted to destroy everything around me. I've never felt this way before. My emotional stability and rationality flew right out the window... If I had seen me like that, I would've surely labelled me as a lunatic"

"You've been bottling up your emotions for way too long. I often wondered why you never talked about your parents. It is a sensitive subject but not something you can't even mention. If you act like that, it can only mean that deep inside you doubt them as well"

"I do... Not only them but myself too... What am I even doing? Striving for a title? Some sort of respect so people would stop calling my parents traitor when deep down, I..., myself don't have a solid belief in them"

"Stop confining yourself to your parents Zhan. You are a human, a whole different person. It does not matter what they did. You don't have to feel accountable or guilty for them"

"I don't know anymore....I don't know anymore"

Hao Xuan gently patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"It's ok, you'll be fine"

"What are we gonna do now?"

"Let's wait... The situation is very messy, we shouldn't make any reckless move"

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