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'Cracks in existence'

Xiao Zhan glanced among the four men in the car and sighed knowing he'll be out numbered if he tried anything. He just needs to stay put for the time being and figure out something about the situation.

"What's happening? Why don't I see any civilians around?"

"Things have changed Xiao Zhan."

"And who do think is at fault for that?" Zhan asked raising his eyebrow even when he knew Dircetor Han wasn't looking at him.

"I'm just following orders"

"Following orders my ass! You set me up on Yibo's case"

"Took you time to figure out"

"What's the purpose? Why are you doing this?"

"It took us years to stand up against them, we're not going to let a brat like you ruin it"

"Y-" He jumped up a little only to be held down again.

"You're just like your parents. All the Seans are the same. Traitor genes run in your family Xiao Zhan"

"Shut up! I'll rip your mouth if you spout any more nonsense!" This time he really stepped on sour spot.

"It's time for you to shut up. Or I won't hesitate to cut off your tongue."


"Trust me we have no use of such a lousy bastard who'll team up with those blood sucking monsters"

"I won't le-"

"Shut him up"

"Get yours hands off me! Fucking bastards! I said don't touch me!"

Xiao Zhan thrashed as the two men pushed him down on the seat and pressed his face into the seat. His struggle was slowly dying as he couldn't breath because they were restraining him by holding his arms behind his back. He glared at Han Bai Zhang before giving up. He stopped struggling because it was only making things difficult for him whereas Director Han was having the time of his life.

"You'll regret this big times Bai Zhang"

"Won't call me Director Han anymore?"

"Fuck you"

He closed his eyes trying to calm down. This could end pretty badly. They'll probably get rid of him as soon as they get the chance. His little bluff won't work this time.

It took about an hour to reach wherever they were taking him. Right now he was sitting in an interrogation room handcuffed to the metal chair and mouth zipped.

He scoffed as soon as Director Han entered the room.

"Rude much"

"Do you want me to salute you? I'll be more than happy but it's only possible if you uncuff me"

"Is there stupid written on my forehead"

"Come closer, I have a bad eye sight"

"Your little tricks won't work here"

"We'll see about that"

Han Bai chuckled and tossed a file om front of him. There were some documents and some pictures. Specifically Yibo and his pictures.


"We want to know what you know"

"That you are fucking pathetic and I-"

Bound By Blood (YiZhan) Where stories live. Discover now