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"It's Over"


I look down at the blood in my hands and tears fall freely from my eyes down to my cheeks.

I know the life I am living isn't Ideal, but I never chose it, all the events leading to this day were never my initial choice, I never ask to wake up one day, go to town and come back to the remains of my little sister and her unborn child.

I never asked to be trafficked only because I wanted justice, I never asked to be sold like some goods and not a human being.

Yes I fell in love, had children, built a family gained parents, I started over, I built my security, and everything I did up until this day, was to protect my family, my loved ones, all I wanted was a chance to be part of a loving family, raise my babies to be independent and peace.

I hated the crime, but I adopted it, they sent me to hell and I married the devil, together we created our little paradise but that too was short-lived.

Enemies follow me, they grew, our union rubbed people the wrong way, but even so, what have I ever done to anyone.

Everyone I have injured, threatened, and killed came after me first, I was always defending myself and the people I love, should I had given up.

Should I have let them get away with it?

If I did, I would have never met Agron, I would have never killed big guy, I would have never met Emilio, and would have never made an enemy such as Marcus Morelli.

I should have died instead, It should have been me.

Was this god's plan? What kind of plan was it, lets's see how much suffering can a woman handle?

It is too cruel, I wish I had just given in to death, this is too much, everything is too much.

"It should have been me,"


"Not my baby, -"

"Baby please focus-" Emilio says but he sounds far away

"I should've been the one to die"

"Tesoro please-"

"It should have been me, instead of my little lamb"



"This Ends here"

Gunfire starts immediately, I could tell that the family standing front line was the Romanos, they had good soldiers but we were better and with De Luca on our side, they didn't stand a chance.

As I predicted that coward was nowhere in sight, I was one hundred percent sure he locked himself in his safe room while other people died for his cause.

I threw a knife at a guy sneaking behind Avery, hitting a bull's eye quite literally before firing my gun taking down two guys in a single shot.

From my peripheral vision I could see my parents working together in sync, taking our enemies down swiftly, they moved with grace and elegance watching them made this mission look like a performance, their moves were clean and precise.

The twins on the other hand were the opposite of each other, while Emiliano was messy and brutal, the gentleman in Ermanno was clean yet vicious, with a single strike the opposition was either dead or knocked out.

Sumeya was close behind them it came to my attention that my brothers were also protecting their clueless queen.

I smirked and moved forward, a little behind from my parents and uncle Alex.

The three of them were a force to be reckoned with.

"We're winning" hope swelled up in my heart as I continued forward fighting while also keeping an eye on my family, my job was to make sure no one else dies and to get back my Grandmother.

I was looking for Demir when a body, slammed me to the wall knocking the wind off me, I tried to regain my breathing when a fist came down hard on my lip making me bite myself in the process, I brought my knee up hard and smiled in satisfaction when I heard the familiar grown of a man who had his nuts crushed.

I pushed him off of me, but he came back fast, raising his huge foot aiming for my stomach, I rolled out of the way, pulling my gun, I shot him in the head, I got up and immediately fell when I felt a bullet zoom past my ear, I look behind me to see a man tuck his gun, before sending me a wink and then running off the opposite direction, he was one of Marcuse men.

"He's with us," Demir said.

I turn to him and see a man dead close to me, I figured he is who the bullet was meant for.

"Who is he?" I asked Demir as we run up the stairs trying to locate Emre and Marcus.

"A friend" is all he says.

I keep up with him, shooting guards as they come at us like untrained idiots.

"Marcus will let all these people die," Demir said in disbelief.

"Which is why we are not killing all of them, if you look closely brother most are just knocked out"

"I noticed" Demir replies.

I had seen my parents not brutally murder everyone here, a lesson was to be learned by those who sided with Marcus, however, there were a lot who came to this war to wipe us out, for those we made an exception.

We continue forward fighting and killing we also lost a few good men and women, this was my first big war,  I say big war because, since the day I was born my life had been full of violence, my parents tried their best to shield me from it however they paid a bigger price for all their efforts, hence we are here today.

I never regretted or resented having them as parents, they were a perfect example of how life could be sweet and equally cruel, the stories I heard as a child and the things I witnessed as a teenager made me want to fight even harder for the things I want, and right now, I needed my family safe, my grandmother back home and Marcus dead.

I look up and I see myself in front of the safe room, with all my might I pushed on the heavy door.

"Luna no!" My father called out but I ignored him and raised my gun.

"Alunamida!" I could hear my mother in the background screaming for me to stop but they didn't see what I was looking at.

Marcus has his gun pointed at Grandma Sophia seconds away from pulling the trigger, he knew he had lost and his last act was to make sure we mourn instead of celebrating, He was going to kill her out of spite.

He was going to take away another person I loved and cared for, he was again going to break my father's heart.

"Noooo!" I screamed.

I pulled the trigger but my gun locked, no bullets came out without thinking I threw the weapon in his head making him miss his shot, He turned to me and his face went from shock to anger, he aimed his gun at me and immediately I ran at him.

"Luna no!" Everyone cried as I slammed Marcus with my shoulder tackling him down, I hear him grunt.

"You little witch!" He growled before kicking me off him.

The last thing I heard was a loud ring of gunshots before everything went black.



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