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Morelli Castle (Sicily)

The twins looked on with fear, confusion, and anger as their father destroyed his home office, Emilio had suddenly roared like a wounded lion upon hearing Iva mention that she was in the pit for six years of her absence in their lives.

Hearing her side of the story had made things clearer and has filled in more blanks, they have been played, everything they knew was a lie, and judging by their father's reaction, he too was a pawn and they had a clue who was the master and the cause of all this destruction that fell upon their family.

"That son of a B*tch, told me she escaped!" Emilio roared again and flipped the big oak office table, the twins jumped back again, not daring to go near the raging beast.

"He showed me that video, he-" Emilio was now breathing hard.

The twins were beginning to get worried about the King, he has always been one to keep his emotions in check and act rationally in all situation, Emilio has never lost his cool, he was always level headed, calculating, all his moves were planned and executed to perfection, but when it came to their mother she always seemed to shake him, but this reaction was of a man who was hurting, this was not the king they knew and admired, In front of them stood a husband who lost his wife, a father who failed his kids and a man who broke his family, a man who was tumbling down at the weight of guilt, a broken man stood in the place of a king.

The twins had no idea how this could be fixed, their only hope was the love their parents shared, was it strong enough to overcome this? Was it never-ending? As proclaimed in their beautiful Mafia tail that they have heard many times as children? They could only hope.

"I'm going to kill, no death is too good for him-" Emilio roared again and threw his already battered laptop to the wall, he was running out of things to crash and destroy, yet his anger was not even close to being subdued, the only thing that could calm the thunder inside of him, was taking a life but even then, he would only be satisfied if only it was the desired one, the life of the man responsible for playing him for a fool, the man who destroyed his family, the man who destroyed his life he was going to kill Marcus Morelli and he was going to make it a slow painful death, but first, it was time for his Tesoro to come home.

With that resolve in mind, Emilio calmed down and turned to his sons.

"You must despise me" he stated his voice horse from earlier events.

"No Papa" the twins answered at the same time.

"How do we fix this?" Ermanno asked holding back a sob.

Emilio looked at his sons, respect, and pride swirled inside him at the men they've become, he knew he will need them, he will need their support and help for what he plans on doing next.

"Your mother is not only resourceful, but she is stubborn and a pain in the ass, when she gives you the address, you will show me and I will go get the girls" Emilio growled out.

"But Papa- " the twins were confused as to why their father still insists on showing hostility for their mother.

" Don't worry son, I don't intend on killing your mother, but she needs to come home and that will not be easy, so I will need your help, that is what I meant to say"

The twins nodded.

"We will help you, Padre," they said with conviction.

Emilio gave his sons a pleasing smile.

"This stays between us, I'm sure the girls don't like me very much at the moment" he chuckles nervously.

" But I promise you, I also have a story to tell, but I want to tell all of you together with your mother present, I am angry, but not at her, I am angry at myself for allowing Marcus and his cunning to get between me and your Mother, he knew together we were unstoppable so he devised a plan to separate us, your mother saw this, and because of my negligence, you kids paid the price, for that I apologize, my strong lions, please forgive me" Emilio cried and kneeled in front of his sons.

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