TDML(jelly bean)

190 14 3



"I'm going to be an uncle!"

Enzo shouts as we exit the doctor's office, I slap his arm hard and shushed him.

"Stop that are you crazy, I already have too many targets on my back by being me, let's at least make it home before we shout about it ok" I scolded him.

"Okay, Mama bear, I have an Idea" he chips practically skipping next to me as we walked to the car.

"Mhm," I hummed waiting for him to go on while searching for my keys.

"Make the announcement next week, at our father's birthday dinner," he says clapping his hands.

"But the family won't be the only one attending" I remind him starting the car and driving to the house.

"Yes, you have a point, hey where you going I thought we were meeting with mom after your appointment,"

"She texted, Marcus just arrived, we're having dinner with him and his flava of the month" Enzo burst out laughing at my statement and the sneer in my voice when I mentioned Marcus shaking his head.

"You know my uncle is not that bad, just give him time" he shrugs.

"I gave the man five years already, that big head of his is shoved so far up his ass, loads of kak in there" I scoffed.

"Nothing I do, say or achieve will ever be good enough for him, it does not matter to him that Emi and I love each other, He had a plan and I ruined it, and his definition of peace between the two of us is if I allow him to control me, which will mean him controlling Emilio through me," I tell Enzo.

"And how will he control my brother, Not even Padre can do that, My brother is his own man the family knows that"

"No one can control your brother because I will never let them, as his wife Emilio sees me as his partner, he was already successful long before I came into the picture, but in most things he seeks my approval, he lets me take charge of more missions than he does you, or your uncle and his son, at first I could say it was a test, but with my abilities and success, it became natural for him to share his load with me because he knows I will see it through" I stopped at a red light and looked at my best friend.

"Do you know why in the game of chess, it's the Queen that protects the king?'

"Check-mate?" I laughed

"Yes Check-mate, meaning without the king the game cease and the opposition wins, the game can continue without the Queen, but the King becomes vulnerable without her, this shows that many men or rulers are surrounded by strong females, women who hold the power, even though she may not be the muscle in that household but her word is final, this is what your uncle understands".

The light turns green and I drive again.

"So, to take the kingdom, he won't attack the Queen, Chess and politics are similar, but with real-life consequences and no do-over one has to be more cunning than the other because in this game, game over means death"

"This still doesn't explain how, he will control my brother" I smile

"Who is the closest person to Emilio?" I ask him


"And who does Emilio trust the most?" I ask again

'You" he says with realization in his eyes

"Whose advice would he likely consider the most?" I asked

"Women are dangerous" he whispered and I laugh shaking my head at his dramatic expression.

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