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24 hours after the rescue

Marcus paced back and forth in his office, he was seething in anger and frustration, maybe not killing Iva was a mistake, he liked the idea of torturing her more and that he did, but maybe it was not worth after all the trouble she has caused him after her escape, it still baffled him how can she, a woman, manage to escape the pit, a place where no man has come out alive.

He knew she created allies as soon as she was released from the box, the woman had a smooth tongue he'd admit that, but he has been in the game for a very long time and he was going to find out who is helping her and take care of them first, it angered him knowing that there were men who were loyal to her an outsider.

"Maybe I should just take the princess," Marcus thought out loud.

"If you do that then the King will be knocking at your door, not in a polite way" A voice announced at the door.

He turned and glared at his son.

"You told me Bradley Sims was in Milan, how the hell did he manage to be in two places at once, no report came to me about his departure" Marcus growled.

"Relax old man, maybe your little spies didn't see him" Nico rolled his eyes, pushing himself off the door frame, he moved to sit on one of the couches.

"Impossible, there was nothing on surveillance!" Marcus shouted.

"Ok, what are you giving yourself a heart attack for, what did Bradley do?" Nico asked.

Marcus looked at him and schooled his features maintaining a blank face.

"He messed up my Business," he said dismissively.

"What business?" Nico pushed.

"None of your business," Marcus growled.

"You said you would help keep an eye on things at the castle and what have you been doing, screwing around with their maid and getting useless information" he shouts turning red with anger.

Nico leaned back on the chair and watched his father with minimal interest, being in this office was the last thing he needed, but he had to, he didn't get along with his father but he would do anything to avenge her death, so here he was playing spy for the sperm donor who called himself, his father.

"Did Emilio give you Iva's location?" Marcus asked.

"You know that would be pushing it, he has his plans, he won't just give her up to me" Nico answered his voice laced with irritation.

"You should seek her out then" Marcus decided.

"Oh so it's not enough to get my sister killed, but I should also do your dirty work and get killed for your gain?".

"She is just a woman! Don't tell me you are scared of her, and I told you I regret what happened to Nora and I know you blame me for her death, but I am trying to do right by her, make sure the one responsible pays" Marcus shouts.

"She may be the one to pull the trigger, but you are the one who led her down there, Nora died because of you, when we are done with this sh*t I want you out of my life, I'm only helping you because of her, after that we are done, you never deserved any of us!" Nico yelled back.

Marcus looked down in defeat until he heard his office door banged shut, he sighed and walked around his desk to sit down, Nico didn't understand, the throne belonged to him, he was getting old and tired now and his only son despised him, but he was going to make him see that all this he did was for him, to have his only son be king of it all, his bloodline should rule, his brother was a weak man that didn't deserve to be in charge of such a large organization, and his son was worse, bringing in outsiders to taint their blood, Nico didn't have kids yet, he was going to help him correct their mistakes, and the Morelli family would be restored to its original order and the weak ones will be eliminated, he was so close, his mistake was keeping her alive and he won't be making that mistake twice, this time Iva Sonto was going to die, he refused to call her a Morelli, the woman will never be one of them.

TESORO (His hunted Treasure)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin