A Trip Down Memory Lane:Part II

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Johannesburg (South Africa)


"Linda, I found him, these are his recent details, he opened the account by his mother's last name, look here" I explained to my manager as I explained how I traced our latest runner

"You, sis are gifted when it comes to technology" she praised and I just shrugged, I had always been curious when it comes to computers, I had computer certificates, from short courses I took once I understood that as much as experience can get you the job, the paper can get you more money so basically one needed both, so I studied while working, I had the hardware, networks, software testing certificates, they were two weeks three weeks long, maximum a month, kak expensive but quicker and more effective than 3 years long diploma

Everything else though I had learned online, when I wasn't spying on Kabelo I used the internet to search and try new technical skills that may be of use to my plans.

My cellphone ranged and I excused myself

"Can we meet" came the voice I have been waiting to hear from all-day

"Yes, I have an hour"

"OK usual spot, I'm already here"

I walked back to Linda's office and told her I'm heading out, I grab my bag and walked out

Within 5 minutes of walking, I could see them and they stand, I walked up to Tina hugged her, and then looked at her friend with a raised brow

"Iva, this is my fiance, Makie, he is an inspector at the station"

"The station, inspector?" I questioned

"Before, you get angry, hear him out, please sit" I sat not liking this at all, she knows how much I don't trust the police, Tina was a reporter, I aimed to expose not to open a court case that will drag and get me arrested in the process

" Tina told me about your private project-"

"Project!?, maybe to her it is but this is justice for my sister and all the other young women who fell victim to the hands of these men, so I beg you to please think carefully about your next words"

" Iva please hear him out, babe tell her already"

" Alright, A girl came to the station last week, looking like she was in shocked and she was -"

" get to the point, babe" Tina interrupted impatiently, begging me with her eyes to stay and listen to him

"That's what I'm trying to do, but you keep interrupting, anyway, she told us that she was visiting her friends here who later on suggested that they attend a party, at that party, there were more men than women she found out later on that they were the party if you know what I mean, she has been held captive there for a whole week, being abused and humiliated, the girl who suggested the party was paid off and left them there, so basically she trafficked her friend, and guess who was there enjoying the party?"

"Kabelo, I already know he's disgusting, what are you going to do about it, what do want to ask me?" I asked the obvious question as I could see that he is trying to bait me, but he doesn't even need to try that hard, I already want the guy to suffer

"Well, what I want is for you to hand over your findings to me, continue spying on him, you will be like my inside man, Tina tells me you're already close with the guy"

"So basically I continue to risk my life, while you lazy around and get a fat check and a promotion over my investigation?" I laughed

" We'll pay you" he quickly adds, and I frown looking

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