TDML (The Devil and the Hellcat)

217 11 1

New Orleans (USA)

Morrelli Manor


"You're not, you, oh my gosh"

"I'm not me?" He asked

By now my mind was spinning out of control, I had barely escaped Agron and his meatheads but to what? my heart was beating hard and fast against my ribcage and I couldn't form a sensible sentence, I looked at him my mouth opening and closing, my eyes wide as sorcerers.

I looked away from him and closed my eyes, trying to calm down, and control my breathing

"Okay, you okay, just calm down-" I whispered to my self, wiping my face with the back of my hand to rid of the tears that were beginning to dry up my face

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to jump in your car like that or attack you, I-i mean to kiss you without your permission, I mean to kiss you at all, I just, I wanted you to drive and they were getting close, and I had to leave I-"

My rambling was cut off by his lips on mine, shutting me up instantly, he placed his hand at the back of my neck and rubbed his thumb gently against my jaw, I was frozen for a good second, but before he could pull away I slowly start kissing him back, I felt him smile against my lips as he swiftly lifted me off my seat and place me on his lap, he pulled me closer to him, his hands going down my back and grabbing my ass giving it a slight tap and squeeze, my heart jumped and my face grew hot.

I allowed my hands to move up from his chest to his face feeling his beard, I continue moving up, reaching his hair, I run my fingers through it and gave it a light tug, earning me a sexy groan from the stranger

That seems to snap me out of the haze he put me under and I pull away suddenly and bump the steering wheel with my elbow, which resulted in the car hooting loudly and a scream escaping me as I get startled, he chuckles

"There, I kissed you without your permission too, so now we even," he says with a smile

"I uh, listen thanks for the ride, but I better get going," I say

I looked around and not seeing much trying to figure out which way to go when I step out of the car

"Mmm" he hummed and moved his hand up to play with my hair

I realized that I'm still strangling him, I make a move to get off of him, but he holds me in place, I look up to his eyes and he is already starting at me expectantly

"You've yet to answer my question" he adjusts his seat getting comfortable

I try to move again, and he makes a tsk sound waggling his index finger at me

"Tsk tsk, you'll get off after answering my question"

"It's a long story," I tell him avoiding his intense stare

"Make it short"

" I don't think I can"

"Make it short, or tell me?" He asks

"Both," I tell him, and I feel a tear sliding down my cheek, he sighs and moves to wipe it off

"Can I leave now?" I ask hopefully


My heart falls to my stomach and I feel myself starting to panic, I again try to move back but he holds me in place, I try again, and again I'm restricted, I feel cornered and nothing good happens when I feel cornered, I try the door and find it still locked, I look at him with pleading eyes, now not scared of him, but of what I might do if he doesn't let me out

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