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"After that sh*t storm, we managed to save Enzo with the help of a student doctor Laura, however there were complications" Bradley's voice sounded from the entrance of the living room.

Emilio stood up ready to march over to him, but Iva blocked him and sent her husband a challenging glare, Luna moved in to hug her mother from the side and looked at her father with begging eyes.

"I Understand, brother, trust me I do, your anger towards me is not misplaced, I blame myself everyday for the events that took place, those years ago, but please, if we are going to catch Marcus and save our family, we need to work together, You can kill me after, right now, Iva and Luna are both in danger, please listen" Enzo walked in behind Bradley with two woman following behind him.

No, a woman and a teenager, around the same age as Luna.

"A-avery?" Luna gasps

And the girl's eyes widen, Everyone look between the girls to figure out how they know each other.

"Hi, Alu" Avery answered sheepishly.

"Iva, what is going on?" Emilio looked to his wife again, who also seem like she was not expecting the girls to know or recognize each other.

"I- I followed Alu on Instagram, papa told me about you, all of you growing up, I know that's grandma Sophia, and that is uncle Emilio, and the twins Emmie and Manno, sorry i'm used to papa shortning your names-" she says looking at the twins with an apologetic smile.

they smiled back at her and shook their heads as to say it wasn't a problem how she addressed them.

"Sweetheart-" Enzo tried to stop his daughter from continuing, but she talked over him.

"No papa, It's ok" she turned to Iva and continued.

" Papa's favorite sister, Iva the queen of the Italian Mafia who is from south Africa where I grew up" she smiled.

"My father, always spoke of our family in Italy and I got curious, so I searched Alunamida Morelli on Instagram, when I dm'd you, I didn't expect you to reply, I have been following you and liking your uploads for a while, before I got the courage to send a message, you are like a celebrity-" she chuckles and Luna smiles back at her cousin.

"I didn't let you know who I really was because it seemed as though you had no knowledge of us, and I was also scared to ruin our friendship, I was excited when papa said we were coming to Italy and I sent a message, I guess you didn't get it, but it's ok, I hope you are not mad" she finishes nervously.

"It's ok baby, I am sure Luna is not mad, even though I don't thinking bringing you and your mother in the middle of a war zone was a good idea, Enzo-" Iva glared at her brother in law

"We discussed this-"

"Marcus knew all along Iva, they are not safe here, Cape town or anywhere else, he has been looking for us for the longest time, I think we managed to fool him for a short while and he figured it out, Kate and I have been moving from province to province in South Africa, the longest we have stayed is Western cape, he had people looking for Avery and Katherine since the day I died, and along his search he found out I was alive, and the other families know too" Enzo sighed.

"Oh my -" Sophia gasps, placing a hand on her chest.

"He is right, that is why we decided to come here today, we can not drag this any longer, Sorrellina All fingers are pointing at you, and Marcus has found a way to convince the families that once they are done with you Luna has to go too, or she will become a problem if they let her grow, like try and take revenge for her mother's death" Bradley finishes.

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