TDML (How is that possible? )

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Hello, glad to have made it this far with you.

The following chapter will take place a couple of years back, just to fill in some blanks, we are almost at the end of our journey.

Writing this book has been very fun and relaxing, I hope reading it had been the same for you too.

Without further ado, let's get into it

A trip down memory lane ( how is that possible).

This will continue from TDML(Sh*t storm II) here's a little reminder if you forgot.
Recap: Milan (Iva)

"What the hell is he doing here? " Enzo shouts.

Tony aka blue and broody, the guy I was supposed to make out with instead of Emilio that night I escaped Agron, smirked at Enzo.

"Relax, Morelli, I'm here to save you from the bad guys" he mocks

"Iva don't tell me you trust this guy"

Enzo exclaimed, it was no secrete the two didn't get along, Tony was a cockroach, he could crawl out of any mess, he was the kind of man that would step inside a collapsing building and everyone in it gets smashed in, but he manages to come out dusting his suit off, he was that annoying character in a movie that manages to survive the whole movie by being a coward and shielding himself while letting other people take the blows meant for him.

Of course, I didn't trust him, Tony would sell anyone out to save his ass, he was the definition of every man for himself he lived by that principle.

Right now though he owes me and it was time for him to pay up.

"Anyone would be stupid to trust him" I answer Enzo.

"Then what are you doing with him?" Enzo growls.

"He brought plan B" and on cue, Tony throws a package at us,

" Is my debt paid now?" He asked.

"Not by a long shot, now disappear," I tell him. He glares at me he's jaw clenching.

"F*ken Italians" he grumbles and turns to leave.

"I'm African B*tch!"

Enzo and I walk back to our car and I give him the bag.

"I need you to put that on now," I tell him.

He opens the bag and looks at me.

"You don't think we're going make it," he asks in a slightly defeated tone.

"I'd be a fool to think Marcus won't try to kill you the moment he sees you, this way I make sure you die, but stay alive, if you know what I mean"

He nods his head and puts on the vest,  but I stop him.

"Under," I tell him.

He takes off his shirt and tank and puts the vest on then before he gets dressed, I pull out the blood patches from the bag and tape them on his chest and abdominal area.

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