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Sicily, Italy

"Useless!" Marcus roared as he threw a glass filled with vodka and ice to one of his men.

"This would have been over soon, all you worthless piece of sh*t had to do was kill that mixed breed and bring her useless parents!" He slaps his hand on top of the table.

When Nico messaged him about the kid's plan, Marcus didn't want to waste time and decided to take action and sabotage it, he sent 20 men to Iva's apartment, their instructions were clear, kill the princess and her little friend and take the king and queen, Iva was not to die yet, she had some important information that he needed, but she would die right after he got what he wanted, by his hand.

"Where is Nicolas?" He directed his question to the leader of his soldiers.

"The twins took him to Don Domanico's vineyard sir" the man replied.

He was a big man, extremely tanned skin with striking blue eyes, he has been part of Marus's detail for 5 years, his skills had earned him a high rank faster than men he found here, he didn't talk much, nor did he like the old man, if it were up to him he would have killed him the first day he met, he thought the old man was rude, greedy and disgusting, the things he saw during his service here were enough to keep him awake at night.

Marcus moved closer to him and slap him hard across the face, the set of rings on his fingers leaving a scratch on the young man's face, but the man still stood tall and did not even flinch.

This seemed to anger Marcus more as he delivered a right hook to his jaw, causing him to stumble back a few steps, the man regained his posture and stood tall in his position again.

"My apologies sir, we will recover the young boss" he started calmly.

"Leave him be, he is as useless as the rest of you, get out of my face I need to think!" Marcus practically screamed in his face.

Nodding once again the man walked out the door with a team of his trusted comrades following behind him.

"Brother when are we killing him?" One of them asked.

"I heard that Aless was safe, this will be over soon" he replied.

"Patron contacted you then" another asked.

"Evet"  Was his short reply.

"I still wonder how the Turks managed to infiltrate the Morelli family"  one whispered.

"Not the Morelli family, Tim, just Marcus" their leader replied.

"And Dean is not Turkish, he is Afro-Italian like the princess"  one of them chipped happily.

Dean turned around and looked at his team, a small smirk playing on his lips, his trusted companions were three of his closest friends and one young Timothy who wanted to be part of their team because he thought they were "cool".

The always happy and hyperactive Stephen and fraternal twins Celene and Carlos, Celene was the only female on their team and was a die-hard fan of the Italian Queen, she made sure to know everything about her and was very outspoken about her feelings about the queen, she knew to be careful around people outside of their small group.

Carlos her brother was quiet, speaks only when spoken to, seem to hate all human beings but had a very soft spot for his sister, he would kill in a blink of an eye to protect her.

The 4 of them were close friends with the young Turkish boss, Dean took the spot of second in command at a very young age, for the late Patron and was sent to Italy to spy on the Morelli family, his initial mission was to collapse the entire Morelli empire from the inside, but it was difficult to gain trust or even to be noticed by the ever cold god of mafia, Emilio Morelli, so Marcus was the next best thing, however that changed the entire mission.

And as Iva got acquainted with Demir's parents and becoming a parent figure to the boy after he lost his parents, things took on a new perspective again, secrets were revealed new alliances were formed and a new mission goal was set.

Iva managed to bring together two powerful families together, without even knowing it, and Dean admired that about her.

At the age of 23 years old, Dean was the oldest of his group, Stephen only a few months younger than him being born in October and Dean in June, Celene and Carlos came third at 21years old and Timothy at 19 years, they were the youngest out of Marcus's men but the deadliest, the old man knew this and as much as he treated them badly, he knew he needed them, Little did he know, they were never on his side, to begin with.

" Yeah but you hate Italians" Celene accused looking at Dean.

"I thought I did, I had been misled the whole time, the one I Hate is that old fart in that office" he growled in displeasure causing the rest to laugh.

"Careful, we know these walls have ears" Carlos warned them, and they all seem to listen.

Even though Dean was the leader of their group, their obedience to Carlos's commands or council seemed to come naturally to them too.

A notification popped on Dean's phone, he checked it, and an uneasy feeling settled within him.

"Looks like you will meet your Queen soon" he directed to Celene who looked a little confused.

"We finishing this in two days," he tells the rest of them.

And with that, he walks away without another word.

"About damn time" Celene added and she too skipped away seemingly in an even better mood.


Sophia's Estate

"My Queen"

Iva sighed and was quiet for a few seconds, the person on the other end of the telephone line waiting patiently.

"I'm scared" she admitted, her voice shakey displaying her current emotions.

"It will be alright, I will be there this time" they assured her.

"When will you land?"

"I am already here, just send me the location when you need me and I will come"


The line was silent for a while then the person spoke again.

"Whatever happens, we will endure it together"


"Yes, I promise, I love you"

Iva closed her eyes trying to fight back her tears, before ending the call.

"Who the h*ll was that?" Emilio's voice boomed behind her and her whole form froze.

"Emi I- " she tries to come up with a lie fast but Emilio was already upon her.

"Do you have another man, wife? is that why you made it your mission to be away from your family mmh?".

He seethed close to her face as he was failing to control his anger.

"Yes!, what did you think was going to happen, I became your enemy, why would I remain loving a man who only wants to see me DEAD!".

She screams back at him and kneed him in the crotch to get some space between them.

As soon as she got the chance, she bolted out of the room and went to search for Sophia, this was going to be harder than she thought, Emilio's possessiveness may ruin their plans.


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Zoey 💜

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