Glaring at him as I then look at Akali, "Want anything?"

"If there is any of that beer then sure."

"You sure? It tastes like shit."

"I am sure yes," she giggles as I then turn to leave.

***   Akali POV   ***

Watching him leave through the slide door, I let my smile fade. Wonder if he is really enjoying himself, it is mostly the two of us talking. Probably would have been better if I focussed a little bit more on him than just going on autopilot.

"You don't like me, do you?"

I shake my head, still keeping my eye on the door, "Your first impression was pretty shitty."

"Then? What is that impression?"

"A guy that makes a girl giggle, one that makes her feel wanted and everything she needs. Perfect. One that promises the world and after he takes what he wants he leaves a gaping hole in your chest."

"That bad, huh?" he then asks, "I am a big fan. But I don't like you either."

I turn to look at him, "Why?"

"I find it strange. You have all these friends and people to go to. Are you just trying to use him because you know the type of person he is, the one that wouldn't dare say no if you call him a friend?"

Then crossing his arms, "Why are you here?"

"I decided to play when I had to work. Ahri is pissed off at me, then I continued to piss her off by doing my own thing for the rest of the day with people she hates," then giving him a serious look, "I can't go to the others because they would send me back to Ahri."

"You have other friends don't you?"

I nod, "Sure they'd offer me a place to stay with open arms, but with obvious expectations."

"And you think coming here isn't much different?" rubbing his brow, "What if he thinks you actually have an interest in him?"

"So what?" I breathe out, "He isn't a little kid. You can't stop someone from getting feelings for someone else and whether or not he likes someone, guess what, has nothing to do with you."

"I know," he states, then turning back to the fire, "But I'd rather not him get his hopes up only for you to crush it."

A small smile spreads across my face, "Is he a brother to you?"

He stops, almost as if hesitating, "He reminds me of one yeah. Never had one and my parents don't want another kid to take care of. So excuse me for looking out for him and treating him like one."

"That's sweet," he then glances at me over his shoulder, "Here I thought you just kept him around to feed your ego."

"You really had a skewed perspective of me, didn't you?" then with a sigh, "Then again you wouldn't be the first to think that. I don't care what you think of me, just don't end up giving him false expectations because you fell in love with the attention."

Lifting my gaze to the stars above, "Wouldn't that be funny? A popstar falling in love with attention."

"It would be," then asking suddenly, "If you will be straight with me, do you like him?"

"He isn't someone I'd go out with."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"That is why I answered it that way," I state, then asking, "If I tell you that I liked him, you would tell him that and he'd panic. Probably try to chase me and set himself up for expectations only for it to either fail or paranoia to take hold."

"I tell you I don't like him, it affects my current relationship with him and makes it harder to keep the friendship going. What If I lied just to get you off my case and in a sense killing the relationship before it got a chance to bloom."

Then shaking my head, "Besides. It has nothing to do with you," I smile at him as he returns the same smile.

"Fair is fair," then running his hand through his hair, "Guess I should take a page out of your book and not answer every question blindly."

"That happens when you actually think, yeah."

I then drop my gaze to my hands between my legs - I hate people like that, that think they deserve to know everything. Just like Ahri... let me learn my way, if I end up being wrong then you get to tell me 'I told you so'.

But it actually did make me curious - does he like me? Or does he think he can't reach me because I am who I am?

*** Normal POV ***

I hover a moment at the hallway between the kitchen and the room leading to the patio. The two of them are in deep conversation - though I obviously can't tell what they are talking about. Conrad has always been personable and with someone like Akali of course the two of them would get along.

I don't know why I worried about that - at least there is good news. I just hope I don't end up being overshadowed.

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