Crawler Commander/Part 1

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In the caves, the rebels sets up shop and Sabine tinkers with an old transmitter. Zeb and Luna talk to Ryder as Ezra and Kanan help Sabine with the transmitter.

Ezra says "This transmitter is all we could scrounge up. What do you think?"

Sabine says "Well, I can boost the power, but not enough to over come the Empire's jamming signal. They're blocking all non-Imperial transmissions."

Kanan says "We have to find a way to make contact with Hera."

Zeb, Luna, and Ryder join the conversation as Ryder says "If she made it past the blockade."

Kanan says "She made it. And she'll convince rebel command to launch an attack. We need to be ready to help."

Ryder says "Help? Look, I want to fight, but the Empire's got thousands of troops. We are hiding in a cave with no ships, no supplies, and a couple of blasters."

Ezra says "We've done a lot more with a lot less. There's a way, and we'll find it."

The transmitter squeals and Zeb says "What now?"

Sabine says "I can't make contact outside the planet, but I'm picking up something transmitting nearby."

Luna says "How close?"

Sabine says "Close enough to take a look."

Ryder says "Better check it out."

The rebels get in a landspeeder and Ryder drives it to whatever is transmitting.

The rebels soon discover a Mining Guild ore crawler and Ryder says "There. It's an ore crawler."

Ezra says "I think I saw some of those burning through the grasslands up north."

Ryder says "Yeah. They strip rake the surface for raw materials to feed the Imperial factory."

Ezra says "And they've burned all the way down here? That's halfway across the planet."

Zeb says "Yeah, but that ship might be just what we need."

Sabine says "You might be more right than you know, Zeb. That crawler is equipped with a long-range communications array."

Ezra says "One that can reach Hera?"

Sabine says "I'm almost sure of it."

Ryder brings the Spectres in behind the crawler on the speeder and Kanan says "Sabine, you're up."

Sabine flies up on her jetpack and looks around the crawler.

Sabine says, over the commlink "I've got movement. Yep, Mining Guild security droid."

Ryder brings the speeder along side the crawler, and Ezra, Luna, Zeb, and Kanan hop aboard. Ezra, Luna, Zeb, and Kanan runt towards a ladder and they climb it. They enter the cockpit and they find Crawler 413-24's captain, Seevor, and he is listening to music on a pair of headphones. The rebels walk up to Seevor and they surround him.

Zeb pulls off one of the earpieces and says "I like that song."

Seevor says "Huh?"

Seevor screams as Zeb pulls him out of the chair.

Ezra says "Hello, there."

Seevor says "Pirate scum."

Seevor hits a button on his wrist, which sets off an alarm and halts the crawler.

Luna says "Uh-oh. That can't be good."

Kanan says "Sabine, shut off that alarm."

Seevor elbows Zeb in the gut, which makes Zeb let go of Seevor. Seevor crawls on Zeb and gets off of him and he tries to escape, but he gets punched in the face by Ezra.

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