Relics Of The Old Republic/Part 2

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Kanan uses the Force to guide the walker and Kanan says "Prepare to stop. Now!"

Wolffe stops the walker and Kanan says "Commander Wolffe, circle left, double time."

Wolffe circles to the left and Kanan says "Full stop!"

Wolffe stops the walker and Kanan says "If what I'm sensing is right, we're surrounded."

Ezra says "What?'

Rex says "You put us right in the middle of'em to get us a shot. It's crazy, but it's probably our best chance."

Sabine says "Once we fire, we'll reveal our location."

Luna says "If we miss, it's all over."

Gregor says "I'll take the shot."

Kanan says "No, Ezra should take the shot."

Ezra says "Uh, why don't you do it?"

Rex says "Kanan's right. We need one Jedi up there manning the cannon and another Jedi down here to lead us out of this mess. You are the only ones who can see in this storm. Sabine, spot him."

Sabine puts her helmet on while her and Ezra are about to walk out.

Rex says "Hey, kid."

Rex gives Ezra his helmet and Rex says "You might need that. And hang on tight."

Sabine and Ezra run outside while others stay inside the walker.

Kanan uses the Force, again, and says, into the comm "Ezra, there's a walker somewhere around point five."

Ezra says, over the comm "Somewhere around point five? Perfect. Targeting scoop's useless. I can't see it."

Kanan says "It doesn't matter. You're not going to see it with your eyes. The walker is there. Trust yourself."

Ezra says "Got'em."

Kanan says "Wolffe, there's your opening. Go for it!"

They exit the sandstorm and the other rebels and Rex meet up with Sabine and Ezra.

Rex says "Great shot, kid. Now get yourself moving. This is your only chance."

Ezra says "What? We can't leave you now."

Kanan says "We have to get the information they gave us back to the Rebellion."

Sabine, Luna, Zeb, Kanan, and Ezra get into the Phantom and Kanan flies the Phantom away.

Ezra says "Kanan, you know better than anyone. They won't give up. This fight is gonna be their last."

Kanan contacts Hera and Hera says, over the commlink "It's too bad about Captain Rex, but at least you got the intel. I'll rendezvous with you shortly."

Kanan says, into the commlink "Copy that."

Ezra says "What are we gonna tell Ahsoka? Rex was her friend, even though he was a clone."

Kanan sighs and says "I hate it when he's right. I've got my problems with clones, but I don't want those men to die."

Kanan flies Phantom back into the fray and Kanan switches places with Sabine. Sabine shoots at one of the AT-AT walker and goes over to the other one. Sabine opens the Phantom's door and Kanan, Luna, Zeb, and Ezra jump out of the Phantom. Kanan and Ezra ignite their lightsabers and all four of them land on the AT-AT walker. Kanan and Ezra use their lightsabers to open the door of the AT-AT walker. Zeb takes the door off and jump into the AT-AT walker. Zeb knocks out the two troopers while Kanan, Luna, and Ezra jump into the AT-AT walker.

Zeb sits down in one of the seats and says "Roomy."

Kanan sits down in the other seat while Ezra stands behind Kanan and Luna stands behind Zeb. Kanan and Zeb shoot at the other AT-AT walker and Rex shoots at the neck. Zeb and Kanan shoot at the speeder and they stop shooting. All four of them walk out of the AT-AT walker and see that the clones are alright. The clones salute at them and the Ghost is above them. The Ghost returns to the Phoenix rebel fleet, with Rex, and they meet up with Ahsoka. Ahsoka sees Rex and Rex walks towards her.

Rex says "Commander. You got old."

Ahsoka chuckles and says "Had to happen sometime, Rex."

Ahsoka hugs Rex and Rex says "I'm glad you're still alive."

They pull apart and Ahsoka says "You too."

Rex sighs and says "Well, I wouldn't be if it weren't for these guys."

Ahsoka says "Thank you for trusting my friend."

Kanan chuckles and says "It wasn't easy. It's still not."

Ahsoka says "Nothing worth doing ever is."

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