Vision Of Hope/Part 2

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The crew walks through the sewer while Ezra says "Used to be too much water to walk here, but since the Empire started rationing, pretty dry."

Zeb says "Well, it hasn't helped the smell."

Sabine says "Speaking of which, it does smell like you."

Zeb says "Hmm?"

Sabine says "I was talking to Ezra."

Ezra says "Wait. You know what I smell like?"

Kanan says "Can we focus, please?"

They all climb up a ladder and come out of the sewer pipe.

They run until Kanan says, to Zeb, Luna, and Sabine "Hold on. You three, up top."

Zeb says, to Sabine "Want a lift?"

Zeb lifts Sabine to the roof and Zeb says, to Luna "Get on my back."

Luna gets on Zeb's back and Zeb jumps up to the roof, with a grunt. Zeb, Luna, and Sabine found a way to get into the building, from up top. They see the others and Trayvis surrender by a bunch of stormtroopers and Agent Kallus.

Agent Kallus says "Kanan Jarrus, Jedi knight. Padawan Jabba. And what have we here?"

Minister Tua comes in and Agent Kallus says "A Twi'lek I've yet to meet. From your regalia, I suspect you must be our talented pilot."

Minister Tua says "Where is the Lasat, the pregnant women, and the Mandalorian girl?"

Agent Kallus says "If you won't talk, then my troopers will become a firing squad."

Zeb, Luna, and Sabine are on a beam and they drop a few detonators. The detonators go off and the room is filled with smoke. Zeb jumps down, with a roar, and he fights off some of the troopers with his bo rifle while Luna and Sabine shoot at the troopers from up top. Luna and Sabine jump from beam to beam and they both jump down. Everyone, except for Luna, leave the building and Luna throws a detonator at the troopers, Agent Kallus, and Minister Tua. Luna runs out of the buidling and her feet start to slide, but Zeb grabs her when the detonator explodes and Zeb shields Luna from the explosion. Zeb laughs and Luna smiles while she shakes her head back and forth.

Hera says "Was really hoping that shuttle would still be here."

A shuttle shows up and Kanan says "And that's not the ride we're looking for."

Everyone runs to the sewer pipe and Sabine opens the doorway of the sewer pipe.

Trayvis says "You want me to go in there?"

Ezra says "It's not so bad once you get used to the smell."

Zeb grunts and says "You never get used to the smell."

They get shoot at from a trooper and they see Agent Kallus and two troopers.

Agent Kallus and the two troopers run towards them and Kanan says "Go!"

Trayvis, Hera, Sabine, Luna, and Zeb go down the ladder and Kanan and Ezra jump into the sewer pipe and Sabine closes the doorway of the sewer pipe.

Everyone runs through the sewer until Trayvis says "Yes. I'm...I'm coming."

Hera says "Ezra, wait up."

Ezra says "Sorry, Senator. We just wanna get out of here as fast as we can."

Trayvis pants and says "I am the one who should apologize, my young friend. I've been pursued, by never in such a place as this."

Kanan says "Figured you'd be used to running from the Empire."

Luna whispers, to Zeb "The one who should be panting is me because I'm pregnant, but here I am, running away from the Empire."

Zeb whispers, to Luna "I agree with you."

Trayvis says "Well, I...uh...I've never come this close to capture before."

Two troopers show up and start shooting at them. A bunch more of troopers appear and chase after the rebels and the rebels run away from the troopers. The rebels split up, Hera, Ezra, and Trayvis go one way of the sewer while Kanan, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine go the other way of the sewer.

Kanan says "We'll draw them away! Get Spectre-2 and Trayvis to the hatch."

Ezra says "Wait. How will you find out?"

Sabine says "I can smell you, remember?"

Ezra says "Oh."

Hera says "Think of something clever to say later. Move!"

Hera, Ezra, and Trayvis run one way while Kanan, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine run the other way.

Kanan, Luna, and Sabine stop and Kanan says "Spectre-6, do you actually know where we're going?"

Sabine says "Of course, I do. Sorta."

Sabine points at a direction and then they get shot at by some troopers.

Kanan, Luna, and Sabine run in that direction and Luna says "Zeb! This way."

Zeb almost misses them and he runs towards them. A few minutes later, Kanan, Zeb, Luna, and Sabine meet up with Hera, Ezra, and Trayvis, who is unconscious on the floor.

Zeb says "What happened to the senator?"

Hera says "He was working for the Empire."

Luna says "Is there anybody on our side?"

Kanan says "So guess he stays here. What's our plan?"

Hera says "We were gonna stop the fan get through."

Sabine says "OK, but what will keep our friends from following?"

Kanan says "We only stop it long enough for us to get past it. Cover me."

Kanan walks over to the fan and he uses the Force to stop the fan while the others cover Kanan.

A bunch of troopers and Agent Kallus show up and Ezra says "Incoming!"

The troopers shoot at the rebels and the rebels, except for Ezra, shoot back at the troopers while Ezra deflects the blasts.

Hera says "Move it, rebels!"

Agent Kallus says "Blast the Jedi!"

Hera, Sabina, Luna, and Zeb run to the other side of the fan and Kanan says "Ezra, let's go!"

Kanan and Ezra run to the other side of the fan and the rebels run towards the sewer pipe, where Chopper is. The rebels escape the sewers and Choppers grunts.

Kanan says "Hey, you're supposed to be glad to see us."

The rebels return to the Ghost and Zeb and Luna go to their cabin and they go to bed.

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