Droids In Distress/Part 1

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The Ghost is being chased by a squad of TIE fighters and a Star Destroyer. In the cockpit, Hera is in the pilot seat, Ezra sitting next to Hera, Sabine sitting behind Ezra, Zeb sitting behind Hera, Luna sitting on one of Zeb's legs, and Chopper at the controls while Kanan is in the top gunner.

Kanan says "I don't have a shot!"

Hera says "Chopper, do you have the coordinates?"

Chopper beeps and Zeb says "What did he say?"

Hera says "He said "Hello, hyperspace"."

Zeb says "That's not what he said."

The Ghost jumps into hyperspace and Kanan comes into the cockpit.

Kanan says "Told you we'd get away."

Sabine says "With the shipment. You said we'd get away with the shipment."

Hera says "Kanan, we're love on everything."

Ezra says "Food."

Luna says "Explosives."

Hera says "Fuel. We need to make some money or we might as well put the Ghost in storage."

Kanan says "There's always Vizago's job."

Zeb says "So we're arms dealers again?"

Kanan says "Mm, more like arms redistributors."

Zeb says "Come on. We don't even know what kind of weapons we're talking about here."

Luna says "I agree with Zeb."

Ezra says "Hey, if it puts food on the table and frees up some time for, oh, I don't know, Jedi training, then I'm in."

Kanan walks towards Hera and Ezra and Kanan pushes Ezra back, by pushing back his head.

Kanan says "You game?"

Hera says "Say I am. What then?"

Kanan says "I already know the mission. Let's head to the spaceport."

Hera sets course to Lothal City spaceport and Kanan goes over the plan with everyone. At Lothal's main spaceport, Zeb, Luna, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper aboard a shuttle.

Male announcer says "Now boarding Star-Commuter Shuttle ST-45, bound for Geral."

Zeb and Sabine sit next to each other and Chopper beeps.

Zeb says "How rude."

Ezra smacks Chopper and sits in his seat while Luna goes around Chopper and sits behind Ezra. Minister Maketh Tua and Amda Wabo aboard the shuttle and sit in front of Zeb and Sabine. Two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, also aboard the shuttle and they go over to Minister Tua and Amda Wabo.

Kanan makes it to the shuttle when the male announcer says "Final call for Star-Commuter Shuttle ST-45, bound for Geral."

Kanan walks around Chopper and sits next to Luna.

The pilot droid says "Sentients, please prepare for takeoff."

The shuttle takes off and jumps into hyperspace.

Chopper bugs Ezra and Ezra says "Will you cut it out! You have plenty of room! Stop crowding me!"

Chopper chirps and electrocutes Ezra, twice.

Ezra say "Ow!"

Kanan says "Kid, how 'bout you get that rust bucket under control?"

Chopper chirps and threatens to electrocute Kanan.

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