Steps Into Shadow: Part One/Part 2

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Later, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, Luna, Rex, Chopper, and Hondo travel to Reklam Station on the Phantom, that Sabine is piloting.

Sabine says "We can't jump directly to Yarma from here. We'll have to drop out of hyperspace at the Sereeda Waypoint and plot a new jump."

Hondo says "Do not take too long. That is Mining Guild territory. If they spot us, they'll alert the Empire and jeopardize my payment. I mean, our mission."

Sabine says "We'll be there and gone before they know it. Right, Chop?"

Chopper grunts and the Phantom jumps into hyperspace.

The Phantom exits hyperspace at Sereeda Waypoint and Sabine says "Ok, Chopper, you're up. Program those coordinates fast before..."

A Mining Guild captain says, over the speaker "Attention, shuttle craft. You're trespassing in a Mining Guild claim zone. Identify yourselves. State you business. State your purpose."

Ezra says, into the speaker "Please excuse the intrusion, Captain. We'll be on our way as soon as we calculate our hyperspace jump."

The captain says, over the speaker "We will not authorize any such jump until you've registered with the Empire and paid the hyperspace toll. Prepare to transfer credits. If you do not slow your speed, we will open fire."

Ezra says "Sabine, get us out of here."

Sabine speeds up the Phantom and the Phantom is soon pursued by two Mining Guild TIEs.

Hondo says "Imperial prison is bad, but where the Mining Guild will send us is worsed."

Luna says "And you're telling us this now!"

Sabine says "Hang on!"

Sabine and Chopper shoot at the TIEs and Sabine says "Brace yourselves."

Sabine and Chopper shoot down the TIEs and Sabine says "Chopper, we're clear. Charge the hyperdrive."

Ezra says "Wait. We should destroy the transport before they contact the Empire."

Sabine says "They probably already have."

Ezra says "No! We're not leaving any witnesses."

Sabine says "That's not our mission, Ezra!"

Rex says "She's right, Lieutenant. The important thing here is to proceed with our mission."

Ezra says "Fine. Make the jump."

Sabine says "Hyperspace, here we come."

The Phantom jumps into hyperspace and the Phantom arrives above Yarma.

Sabine says "No Imperial traffic on the scopes, but no sign of the station either."

Hondo says "It is down there, my friends. And those ships are ripe for plunder."

Sabine says "There's no telling what we're flying into."

Ezra says "Let's find out. Take us down."

Sabine flies the Phantom into the planet and Sabine says "There it is. Reklam Station."

Ezra says "Chopper, get a count on those bombers."

Chopper grunts and holographs the station.

Ezra says "There! Y-wings light bombers. Looks like there's in decent shape, too."

Sabine says "Yeah, but according to Chopper's scan, there's only 15 left. Correction. There are only 14 left. Looks like they're being destroyed."

Ezra says "We need to move in now. There won't be nay ships left if we wait."

Zeb says "Hold on. Our orders are to recon the station not go after ships."

Rex says "We should advise Captain Syndulla."

Ezra says "What if the Empire detects our transmission? I was given command of this assignment. I know what the objective was and I am changing it. We're going in now. That's an order."

Sabine says "Yes, sir."

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