Zero Hour: Part 2/Part 2

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Zeb says "What?"

Hera says "Look we don't have time. Luna, can you still run."

Luna says "Yeah. I can still run."

Hera says "Okay. Let's go."

All of them run towards the Ghost as Kanan says "Looks like the family's together again."

Hera says "Let's try and keep it that way."

The shield generator explodes after being shot by stormtroopers

Zeb says "There goes our shield."

A Hammerhead and a CR-90 make it, but one of the AT-AT walkers shoots down a GR-75 medium transport, which crashes and burns. The rebels then find themselves surrounded by Death troopers.

Thrawn comes out and he says "And now, Captain Syndulla, I will accept your formal surrender. Or you will watch your friends perish, one by one, beginning with the Jedi. I require an answer, Captain."

Hera says "You already know my answer."

The storm clouds envelop Chopper Base and Thrawn says "Do you feat the storm, Master Jedi?"

Kanan says "Yeah. And you should, too."

Just then, a bolt of lightning narrowly misses Thrawn and Kanan says "Hang on to something!"

Luna says, as she is panting "Why?"

Thrawn says "What Jedi devilry is this?"

A figure with glowing eyes appears in the clouds and he says "I am the Bendu!"

Zeb says "What is that?"

Hera says "Uh, Kanan?"

Kanan says "I told you my friend was coming."

Bendu says "I bring death!"

He destroys two AT-AT walkers with bolts of lightning and also begins to destroy the coral mesa housing of Chopper Base. Everyone, heedless of side, runs for cover.

Bendu says "Leave this place. I am the light...I am the dark...I am the Bendu!"

He strikes one of the Death troopers with his bolt of lightning.

Kanan says "You heard him! Make for the ship!"

Hera says "Luna, you still think that you can run towards the Ghost?"

Luna says "No."

Zeb says "Don't worry. I'll carry you."

Hera says "Alright. Let's go."

Zeb carries Luna, bridal style, and the rebels run towards the Ghost and they aboard it. The Ghost and the remaining rebel ships take off. Zeb carries Luna to their cabin and he lays Luna on their bunk.

AP-5 walks into the cabin, with stuff, and Zeb says "What are you doing in here?"

AP-5 says "I'm here to delivery your baby."

Zeb says "Oh, no you don't."

Luna says "Zeb, we have no choice and no time. AP-5 is our only choice right now."

Zeb says "Okay."

AP-5 puts everything in place and Zeb holds Luna's hand as she feels pain.

AP-5 says "When I say push, you push as hard as you can."

Luna says "Okay."

Zeb says "And if you need to squeeze my hand, you can squeeze it as much as you want to."

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