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            Murphy sat in the bay where the grounders were meeting with Marcus, and he sipped at his cup of water. If Abby would let him, Murphy would be with Eve right now, but she was getting treatment at that moment—she always felt awful right after.

            He could tell that Marcus hated his guts, because the night when Finn died Eve couldn't sleep alone without sobbing hysterically and to comfort her and help her sleep Murphy went in and slept with her. That morning Marcus peered in and gave Murphy a death glare.

            God, she's been through so much. Eve really couldn't catch a break, so the fact that her dad hated Murphy just added to the fact that she felt so guilty for the deaths of those kids.

            Last night, Eve didn't sleep at all, so she came down to Murphy's shitty cabin (more like a closet) to talk. Marcus knew exactly where she was, and he was not happy. He's a good man, who just wants to protect his daughter, but Marcus fails to understand that Eve doesn't need to be protected from Murphy; he would never hurt her in any way.

            Two grounders stared at him from across stared menacingly at Murphy, but it didn't faze him. "Alright," Marcus announced making his way to the center of the crowded room, "Quiet down. I know we don't have a lot in common, but we do have a common enemy and a common goal. For us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather, we need to work together. . ."

            A tall, bald, young grounder approached Murphy, and Murphy asked quietly, "You got a problem?" The grounder spoke something in his native language, but Murphy had absolutely no clue what he was saying, "I'm sorry, man, I don't speak grounder."

            The grounder smacked Murphy's cup out of his hands, and it caused Murphy to get up and shove him back. All eyes stared back at the two, and Marcus commanded, "Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man."

            Murphy spat, "For what? He was the one who came at me."

            "Two days' work detail," Marcus stated angrily.

            Murphy spat, "Work detail? I just told you, I didn't do—"

            Marcus cut him off, "Care to make it three?"

            Murphy walked off without apologizing, and the grounder spat, "I shouldn't have missed when I shot your pretty girlfriend with those arrows." Pure rage boiled over inside Murphy, because nobody is allowed to threaten or insult Eve ever.

            Murphy swung his fist at the grounder's face, and it collided with his jaw. Then, both parties started throwing punches, and everybody swarmed them. "Murphy!" Marcus angrily yelled, "Murphy back off! Murphy stop!"

            People attempted to pull the two boys apart, but they would only get hit in the blind fury.


            I ran (actually speed-walked) down to the bay that the grounders met in, because I was told that Murphy was there doing work detail. Dad sugar coated everything, but Octavia told me the real story. After begging him to let Murphy off the hook, Dad gave in, and then sent me down to tell him he was free.

            Murphy gazed out the air vent at the guards doing target practice, so I snuck up behind him. "Hey," I said kindly, but Murphy jumped any ways.

            He smiled at me, and replied, "Hey, how'd treatment go?"

            "It went good. Abby says I'm not contagious anymore, and I'm just going to be on pills," I sighed, "I heard about what happened earlier."

            Murphy stated, "Your dad probably sugar-coated it."

            I smiled, "That's why I asked Octavia, and I'm happy to let you know that after I begged him for ten minutes Dad said you're off work detail."

            Murphy leaned his broom against the wall, and cupped the sides of my face to kiss me. "Since I'm free, what do you want to do now?" He quietly asked with a smirk.

            I pressed my lips against his, smiled, and replied, "How about we go back to your place, have some fun, and relax for a while."

            "I like that plan," He smirked.

Murphy unlocked the door to his apartment that I liked to call "the shoebox", because it was insanely small like a closet. There was a small bed in the left corner of the room, a minuscule kitchen in the right corner, and across the room from the bed was the bathroom door.

            Murphy kissed the back of my neck, and slipped off my jacket. He walked in front of me, and I cupped the sides of his face and placed my lips onto his. I took off his jacket and then my grey and red shirt and Murphy pulled off his black shirt and pants.

            He sat at the head of his bed, and I sat on his lap.

I rested my head on Murphy's chest, and I held my hand on the side of his face. "I think your dad hates me," Murphy stated.

            "Why?" I quietly asked.

            He sighed, "When I came to comfort you the night Finn died he saw us and gave me the death glare, not to mention what happened last night."

            I smiled, "He doesn't hate you. My dad never knew about us until that moment, so he just has to adjust to me also loving you—you have no idea how long I was only a daddy's girl."

            Murphy placed his lips onto mine, and pulled me into his chest. His ran along my back; one stopped on my butt, and I smirked.

            Then, loud knocking on the metal door interrupted our peace and quiet, and Murphy shouted, "Not a good time!"

            The person clearly didn't listen, because the door knob started to turn—shit, Murphy forgot to lock the door! "Mr. Murphy," My dad's voice boomed, and then the door was completely open. Quickly, I pulled the covers up to my chest, and my eyes met Dad's.

            He glared at Murphy, and I could tell you that he looked like he was about to shoot him right on the spot. "Lock the door next time," Dad said fast, and exited the cabin.

Oh shit.

Descendants of Kane (probably won't update anymore, stopped watching)Where stories live. Discover now