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I lay in one of the hammocks we had made just in case I fell again, and Murphy was in the one next to me. "How are you feeling," He asked caringly.

"Not as bad," I responded.

Then, Finn rushed in with Clarke in his arms looking for an empty hammock to lay her down in, and Murphy stepped out of his and said, "Here, she can take mine." Quickly, Finn rushed to place Clarke into the hammock, and he didn't even thank Murphy-thus proving my theory that he is an ass-wipe.

Murphy stood by my side, and I began to shiver. "I'm so cold," I whispered to him.

He placed his hand in mine and smiled, "You're just having fever chills; take off your jacket and I'll help you with your boots." Murphy stabilized my hammock so I could take off my jacket, and he slid off my boots. "You need to go to sleep," Murphy said softly, "You'll feel better."

"What if Bellamy tries to kill you?" I nervously asked.

Octavia rushed over to me with a wet cloth, and placed it on my head. "Don't worry," Octavia said soothingly, "I won't let Bell touch him. The virus doesn't last long, so if you take a nap I guarantee you'll feel better when you wake up."

"It's true," Murphy stated, "I'm already feeling better." I nodded, and then I closed my eyes.

When I awoke from my nap it was easy to say I felt a million times better. I opened my eyes to see that even more people were in the dropship, and that was bad. Octavia and Murphy were trying their hardest to tend to everyone, but it was failing; blood was still all over the floor, and people were fighting for their lives.

            I slowly sat up, and Octavia rushed over to me. "Hey," She smiled, "I told you that you would feel better." She placed her hand on my forehead and happily stated, "No more fever, and you're skin has gotten its color back."

            I smiled and asked, "Can I get some water?"

            "Sure thing," Octavia replied, and went to get me some water.

            When she came back with the small tin cup I replied, "Thank you." I sipped on the cool water.

            "Murphy," Octavia called to Murphy who was helping Connor, "you can have a quick break."

            Quickly, Murphy dashed over to me, and pressed his lips against my cheek. He whispered into my ear, "I want to kill Connor."

            It wasn't much of a shock to me that he wanted to kill Connor, because he was the one who put the rope around his neck-who's to say I didn't want Connor dead either. "I'll help," I whispered, "Let's Bonnie and Clyde this bitch."

            Then, Murphy placed his hand on my jaw, and kissed me on the lips.

I was tending to other kids when two guards were dragging Bellamy into the ship, and he looked awful. "Clear some space!" I shouted, and about four other kids moved. Octavia was first to reach Bellamy, and she rolled him over onto his side when he threw up blood.

            Bellamy took a short nap, and when he woke up Murphy rushed to his side with a tin cup of water. "Here," Murphy said handing him the water.

            Instead of taking the water, Bellamy pushed it away and hatefully said, "Get the hell away from me."

            "Bellamy, you're sick," Murphy insisted, "I'm just trying to help." Bellamy's nose started to bleed again, and when Murphy offered him a towel he refused.

Descendants of Kane (probably won't update anymore, stopped watching)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя