Chapter 9

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"Become my surrogate!" I blurted out cutting her off.

The next thing I knew I was being looked at like I had just grown a second head.

"Are you out of your mind? How could I become your surrogate when I am already pregnant?" She asked.

"Y/N, just listen to me. I want my baby and I also want a mother who is willing to look after my child. Soomin  is the best person to do so if you don't want the baby." I explained further but I could see a look of confusion begin to take over her features.

"And why would I need to become a surrogate for that? If you want the baby then I won't give it up for adoption. Soomin can just adopt the baby." She said clearly not understanding what I meant.

"I don't want Soomin to find out about our affaire." I responded.

"Wait, so you want us to lie?" She questioned.

"Basically yes. I can convince her to get a surrogate and that's where you will come in. She doesn't have to know that you are already pregnant with my child." I added.

"You really are shameless. How can you want to deceive your girlfriend like this? And you do know that you would have to pay the doctors a lot of money to keep up with such a lie if they even agree. On top of that I am a month pregnant, what are we going to say to her when the baby comes too early?" She asked after bringing up all the negatives of this plan.

"Y/N I cannot lose Soomin. I also have more than enough money to pay the doctors for this so we will be fine. We could also just say that the baby is premature." I explained.

"Are you actually serious about this? Do you want your relationship to be built on a foundation of lies? What if one day she finds out about this lie and that this baby is actually not her child?" She continued questioning.

"Y/N she won't find out. This is a sold plan. Just agree already."

"Jin you can't be serious." She responded with a sceptical look but it soon faded when she saw that I actually was serious.

"I am Y/N. Please just agree. The sooner we do this the better." I pleaded.

"Okay then but if she finds out you are taking all of the blame because this was idea. But seriously wouldn't it be easier to just tell her that you cheated and you are having a baby?" She asked still not fully convinced.

"No it wouldn't. Plus you will also be getting money for this so geek quiet. I will talk to Soomin about this tonight and hopefully she agrees." I told her and she nodded.

"Fine. I will also talk to a doctor friend of mine to try and make this process easier for us. Hopefully he will agree as well. And if he doesn't then your money will do all the talking. I can just hope this goes well for us and I don't end up in trouble for all of this." She replied and picked up her back ready to leave.

"Okay bye Y/N."

"Bye." With that she walked out of my office.


When I arrived arrived home a rush of nerves suddenly hit me as I saw that the lights were on. Soomin was home.

Throughout the rest of the day I could not help but to feel guilty as I thought back to my plan. Everything seemed right when I said it but now that I thought it through more clearly it was just plain out wrong.

Soomin did not deserve any of this but here I was doing it. It would really hurt her if she one day found out about the truth.

How could I actually do this? I was raised better then this.

"Jin why are you just standing there staring at the door." Her voice rang through the air making me flinch.

When I looked up I saw Soomin standing at the entry way looking at me weirdly. I cleared my throat and laughed out awkwardly.

"Uh... It's nothing I was just thinking about something. It not important. Let's go in." I said and pecked her lips before we got into the house.

"Are you sure? You sound weird and unsure and that only happens when you have something to say. Do you have something to say?" She asked and looked at me directly in the eyes.

She always knew how to make things hard for me. And now I was really reverting coming up with such a stupid idea.

"It's nothing really Soomin. I have nothing to say." I responded and tried to walk past her bit she stopped me.

"Jin please tell me what is concerning you. I know there is something wrong. Just come out and say it. You will probably feel better afterwards." She rubbed my cheek lovingly.

"I was... I was thinking that maybe we could get a surrogate..." I announced hesitantly which seemed to shock her to the core.

She froze and her eyes immediately widened. Her hand that was on my cheek had not fallen back to her side.

"Wh-what did you just say?" She asked snapping out get frozen state.

"I saying that maybe since you can't get pregnant then maybe we could get a surrogate. I know it's not the same." I told her but started to regret it as I saw tears pooling in her eyes.

Before I could say anything more she jumped into my arms and began crying.

"I-I was also thinking the same t-thing. I've actually been t-thinking about it for a few days now. I-I just didn't know how to I'm so glad we are on the same page." She stuttered and pulled back.

I smiled a bit at the happy look on her face. Maybe the universe was saying to go ahead with this plan.

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