Chapter 15

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"Why does it look so big? Shouldn't it be smaller?" Soomin asked as stared at the monitor while the doctor moved the probe around Y/N's belly.

U felt my heart drop for a second and my eyes immediately went into contact with Y/N's. Her face had lost its color at the words Soomin had just released.

"Well this is because she is eating well. The baby is growing fast which is good. You should remember that all pregnancies are different Ms Soomin." The doctors explained but from the look  on her face I could see how skeptical she was but decided to just shrugged it off to not cause an issue.


"Can we go get ice cream?" Y/N asked as soon as we stepped out of the hospital.

"Don't you think you should take it down a notch with the sweets. You are a becoming overweight which is not good for out baby. You should start eating healthier. I dont want an obese child." Soomin said shocking me.

She looked at Y/N with disgust and i could see how Y/N's face dulled. Tears began to fill her eyes and not long after they began to fall.

"Soomin! Why the hell would you say that to her?! You heard what the doctor said! She is pregnant. You can't expect her not to gain a little bit of weight. If you had read those pregnancy books of yours properly then you would know that pregnant woman get cravings. It's not Y/N's fault. This is something that's bound to happen with pregnancy." I scolded her before I moved toward Y/N's side and patted her gently.

"Y/N Please don't listen to her. You are pregnant and no one is going to expect you to eat the same portions as before or eat the things that you usually didn't eat before. If you want to get ice cream then we will get ice cream." I told her but she only shook her head.

"Well I was just stating facts." Soomin mumbled but it was loud for Y/N and I to hear.

"Soomin just shut up!" I exclaimed before looking at Y/N whose face had seemed to drop even more at Soomin's words.

"Can we please just go home?" Y/N asked.

"Don't you want to go get ice cream anymore?" I asked and again she just shook her head before walking toward the car.

My eyes met with Soomin's and I couldnt help but to glare at her but all she did was just shrugg me off before also walking to the car.

I let out a heavy sigh before also walking to the car. This was really going to be a long few months.


"Soomin, you really shouldn't have said that to her. She is still crying and won't come out of her room." I said as I walked into the living room where she was.

She sat happily watching tv while I tried desperately to get Y/N out of her room. Since had arrived home she had locked herself up in her room. The words Soomin had said to her affected her really badly.

"Well I was just telling her the truth. I'm just trying to look out for her. If she can't handle it then it's her problem not mine." She answered dismissively.

"She is pregnant Soomin. Pregnant! Of course she is going to gain a bit of weight. She does not need you to be so offensive and mean to her. You cannot stress her. You need to understand that you can't just say such hurtful things and expect for people to be okay with it. Plus you heard what the doctor said, she is healthy and nothing is wrong with the way she eats... Y/N is carrying a baby that we wanted so you need to start being appreciative and stop acting like you don't want her here. You need to get your act together." I told her and began walking away without waiting for her response.

Her expression looked unaffected by my words and I could only hope I was reading her wrong. I really hoped thst she was process what I said and would change.

I then headed back to Y/N's room with a tub of ice cream and knocked on the door hoping that she would open up.

"Y/N, can you please open the door. You need to eat something for the baby. Even if it's a little, please eat." I said softly before knocking lightly again.

After a few minutes of no response I let out another heavy sigh of frustration and turned to walk away but didn't get far as I heard the door being unlocked. I couldn't help but to let out a breath of relief when I turned and saw the door slightly ajar.

I walked slowly into the room, inside I saw her sitting silently on her bed with her head down.

"Y/N, look what I got you." I said and held up the tub of ice cream.

"I don't want it." I head her said after she lifted her head fro a few seconds before looking down again.

I couldn't help but to let out another sigh. I coulf probably win the world record for the person who let out the most sighs at this point.

"Y/N..." I called her before pausing for a bit as I walked to her bed and sat beside her.

"Y/N Please don't listen to any of the carp the Soomin said. It's irrelevant. She is just being hurtful for no reason. You are carrying a child in you. You are literally eating for two people. Of course you are bout to gain a bit of wait and no one should judge you for that. You are going to bring a life into this world and for that you should be celebrated. You every right to eat whatever the hell you and the baby. No one will blame you for it so please don't let Soomin's words get to you... now please have this." I said lastly before smiling at her and offering her the ice cream.

She smiled slightly before grabbing onto the tub. Her eyes now reflected with happiness.

"Thank you Jin." I heard whisper before shoving a spoon filled with ice cream into her mouth.

Not my best but it will get better

Hope you enjoy


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